4 or 5 because I have very fat legs.
My thighs rub to my knees.
Even my knees rub when I walk.
4 years
Funny part is I lost 70 - 80 lbs and my face got chubby.
Lost a bunch in the belly but no place else.
4 years
My face and arms mostly for many years.
The last year or so my face has gotten chubbier.
Developed a double chin too which I never had before.
4 years
I used to be that way Dave.
4 years
Some people are assholes they can't help it
4 years
Be really hard to pin point one weight.
Depends on the guy too.
At 400+ was just difficult with a big hanging belly.
Not impossible just a lot more work.
4 years
I have to agree up to a point.
Once I got above 400 it was hard to do much of anything.
4 years
It boils down to whatever feels comfy for you.
Post it or don't it makes no difference to me.
I understand people have their reasons and its none of my business really.
I didn't show mine often for a good10 years here and one day just posted one because it was a half decent pic.
4 years
I had friends but didn't hang with a clique of any kind. Cliques were stupid IMO.
I was in an academic club because my parents made me but that bunch weren't too bad.
I did my own thing basically and never followed trends.
I did hate to see kids getting picked on but they needed to learn how to stand up for themselves.
That sounds cold I know but thats how I had to learn.
If you don't stand up for yourself people will always pick on you and use you.
4 years