Survey says…!

lol i don't get how everyone can talk so casually about this stuff, don't you ever fell bad about doing it? :O
14 years

I wish i could date a chubby girl...

Jameston wrote
The only problem I have now is just to be able to get over being so shy with people.

This problem has nothing to do with chubby girls, so i'm not sure why you are even worrying about that side of things.

Unfortunately I don't have any advice for dealing with the problem, just letting you know you're not alone, I suffer as well, as do many others from what I hear.

I hope you manage to succeed in overcoming this problem, good luck. smiley
14 years

You know you're a fat admirer when

applecake wrote
Porking Up wrote
When you work in the cafeteria at school and switch the skim and whole milk containers for a laugh...
What?! And make all the people who normally drink whole milk loose weight?! I think your evil plan needs some more work.

lol touche
14 years


I personally prefer the fridge, seems more "cutesy" and would probably go down better with the rest of society. lol
14 years

Wanna know what i weigh atm?

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
I don't post pics all that Clothed is all I do smiley sowwy

There is a problem with pics of a girl clothed? lol I prefer it to all the half naked chics around here smiley
14 years

Anime fans or if curiosity has brought you in.

pez wrote
I could be wrong here but I remember reading that a lot of American cinema-goers had no desire in watching this film because it was in a foreign language with subtitles.

Meh, it comes across as arrogance, like unless it was made by hollywood, its not worth thier time, really annoys me...

Hopefully I can get to that stage with subtitles, I never meant that it took anything away from the films, just that I feel knowing the language would add so much more to seeing it... lol guess, just another challange I gotta do...
14 years

Confidence is sexy

abeamt wrote
Maximum wrote
ewww, not Emma!

lol Jane Austen bored me to tears...

What do you know? You're repugnant.

:O smiley
14 years

Anime fans or if curiosity has brought you in.

MikeShinobi wrote
Out of every anime that I have watched, none of them are as good as in the original language.

This goes for more then anime, also includes foreign films and tv shows. It often makes me wish I could understand all languages, I don't mind reading subtitles, but you focus so much on reading the text that you miss tone and emotion.

Hollywood remakes are also obscene abominations and insults to the original...

14 years

Confidence is sexy

ewww, not Emma!

lol Jane Austen bored me to tears...

But yeah, if confidence is sexy then that makes me repugnant smiley
14 years

Yay for fa!

Eh, I think everyone is overeacting, the only lingering fat negativity present here (aside from what the Trolls drag in) is just residual opinions and attitudes which most people grow up with in todays society. I don't think anyone honestly comes here nurturing such views, but Its hard for people to completely change there way of thinking over night.

Fortunately though, being apart of this great community helps dispel these stereotyped ideas and create more open minded individuals in regards to fat acceptance. smiley

Speaking from experience here also, FF has deffinetly given me a new found respect and appreciation for all larger people which i'm sad to say I wasn't brought up with.
14 years