Question for the guys

Sometimes it is sexier to see a BBW with BBW looking clothes. Such as a full swimsuit or a long flowing dress.
11 years

Weight gain changes

It is theoretically possibl;e for the member to get smaller, because fat increases the estrogen in the body. For males, estrogen decreases the member size and increases the breast size, to the point where he has sensitive female-like nipples.
11 years

Too thin for my boyfriend?

Dump him and find someone who likes a thin woman. Tell him if he wants a fat woman, to find a fat woman.
11 years

Girls helping girls

Girls are not allowed, people have to be 18. But if you mean women helping women, I bet a lot of the so-called women helpers are really men pretending to be women.
11 years

Bigger contrast?

Anyone asking someone to change is bad news. If something is important to someone, find someone who meets the criteria. Don't ask someone to change to meet it.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

For people who get deleted on Craig's List, and other sites: You can use phrases that other feeders/feedees understand, but goes over other people's heads.

Phrases Like: Seeking a growing friendship, looking for someone who is seeking to GAIN self-respect,etc. Or just say you are 250 pounds and gaining.
11 years

Fat on purpose or accident?

I personally just love the gain. I don't care if the person barely eats, but is gaining weight from medications, etc.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

penelopez wrote:
I have never used another site but once threw a Craigslist ad out there that was very up-front and all I got was rude responses like "what's wrong with you" and even more responses where they thought I was posting the ad as some kind of joke. It actually got flagged pretty quick. What's crazy is that I'm near San Francisco so the gay community is huge here and you would think people would be more accepting of different tastes..but the acceptance thing is really just an illusion.

Believe me, I wasted years not being up front about it with men and never got what I wanted because when I would finally tell them about my "thing" they'd be all uncomfortable about it and get scared away. I feel bad for anyone who I may have lead on in the past because I was just trying to figure out if they'd like it without the awkwardness of asking.

Now I just tell people like if a skinny guy hits on me-and dammit I don't know why the skinny guys always seem to like me while the big boys generally don't seem to be interested at all-ill say "oh thanks I'm flattered but I only like fat guys" believe me, it's worth it to get a funny look or be treated strange for being honest, just to weed out the people who will no doubt waste your time and their own. Maybe not put it right on your profile but make sure you mention it early. You shouldn't have to settle for less than you want anyway so it will help you narrow down to only people who will really excite you.

You seem pretty attractive, and the world is brainwashed that only "in Shape" guys can get the attractive women. It's good that you have your preference and that you are honest about it.
11 years

Georgia back in hospital

comfypear wrote:
I think it runs deeper than just a lifestyle change. and it is so easy for all of us to make comment when very few of us have such a big challenge in life result, what ever the answer is it won't be easy for her and won't be an overnight

First of all, don't believe the tabloids. I have seen TV shows interview NAAFA people, and they lied about what they ate, made big spreads about what they ate (tables full of food) that just wasn't true.

Secondly, the human body is very resilient. When it stops eating, it does not know it is trying to lose weight. There is an automatic mechinism which both slows the metabolism to store more fat, gives extreme hunger pains to encourage people to eat more. Once you get fat cells, you generally do not lose them, you can only shrink them. And the natural tendency is for the fat cells to be normal size.

Also, most of the famous fat people like Walter Hudson died after dieting, few, if any died at their highest weight.

Again, she is larger than my preference. So, I am NOT saying she should get fat. I am saying that dieting is making the situation worse, and making her even fatter.
11 years

Georgia back in hospital

TheMarshmallow wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
Most likely if she just stayed at a high weight, she would be better off.

No, 63 stone is hugely unhealthy and I'm pretty sure there's no way to be healthy at that weight. And even if you disagree, there's no healthy way to reach that at 19.

Despite what many would like to believe, being obese can be dangerous especially at that level. Maybe some people would like to be/are happy being that heavy, but for her, losing it is definitely the best choice.

It seems that every time she loses weight, she regains more than she lost. So, I don't think that losing it is a choice for her. The only choice is to stay at a high weight, or yoyo and let her weight get even higher.

I should add, that she is well above my preference. So, it's not that I want her to stay at that weight.
11 years