
Shit, did he send that in more responses to you did he? Let me know and then I'll handle him. Going to draft up his ban letter. Also I think I'll inform him that his only other choices for websites either restrict photo viewing severely or are also run by people don't tolerate bigotry.
8 years


Very true. I will get rid of him soon enough when I have enough time, knowing him he'll return and probably go berserk, and I'd rather be present to handle that when it happens.
8 years



I'll ask another person I know to have a look at both his photos and see if they can tell as well, since asking for ID now wouldn't help with an old photo. Though shouldn't he have his own non-watermarked copy of such a photo?
8 years


Things aren't going to end well for him. First phase of handling him though... is that old picture his own? I don't know. Google Image Search tells me it comes from www.soemo.co.uk/

I can't tell if his current photo is the same person or not.
8 years

New chat (beta)

Some people have been reporting some conflicts between both chats, they've been typing in the usual chat and suddenly the beta chat pops up and they find themselves typing in it instead.
8 years

New chat (beta)

In particular clicking another person's username or any other links in chat will take you out of the chat entirely which will cause this problem, so I recommend against this right now.

General forum topic with help about usage of the chat here:
8 years


Looks like he's loverman who's been complaining about viewing limits in the shouts page today.

loverman 3 months ago, jamesphillips.90x2@gmail.com

James Phillips. Adding his complaints as well - which are of course the same as before. He's doomed if he tries out Feabie or feedist.net anyway, the former has viewing limits and the latter is run by people who HATE bigots (believe me, they were ranting about Feabie not getting rid of them).

Ok not gonna lie but seems impossible to get a real girlfriend here, not because of me but because the women here seem to have a phobia of men and will settle for meaningless long distance bs, im not hating just saying what is blatantly true, at the end of the day pics and vids dont cut it. I don't like fakery and neither should any of you
loverman, 3 days ago
Hey I just wanted to thank DoughBellyStuffer for the helpful replies , I say a lot of different things depending on my mood, I've been told I'm bi-polar right through to megalomaniac , a great philosopher to class clown at Skool lol
loverman, 3 days ago
The upgrade options are a little over-zealous, imagine the outrage that would be caused if Google charged for every enlarged picture and the loss of business (less people clicking ads) so I don't see why here is any different ? Im sorry but the admin have enough money to gain 3lbs a week please spare the heartache of removing features, the viewing limit is plausible as it is , money hunger is very irritating, every website owner is living in a mansion while rest of us struggle to get an entry_level job, it needs to be said because its true
loverman, 10 hours ago
@chubbyhoney _ wanting JUST the viewing limit removed is not unreasonable nor everything I want, unlimited viewing of pics and videos is a very basic and fundamental feature, why not place view limit on stories instead?
loverman, 9 hours ago
It feels like admin know they can get away with offering fake upgrades on this site because of the audience and reputation, i would like to try make my own fatfriendly site with less of the lies about being free and actually be tottally free, do you how many dissapointing times ive signed up to clickbait sites with nasty hidden upgrades ? I would fund it myself having a well paid job on the side then when bandwith is physically reached, plump for donations like wikipedia, charity is so much more dignified than gently forcing people to pay for service that should be free as the oxygen in the air, some clown will undoubtebly find a way to tax oxygen one day, be less robot and more human understand the human need for pictures and videos
loverman, 9 hours ago
@ chubby honey , whhy not break the mould then be different for once, yes the site has come a long way but kristal seems to be missing the point deliberately, paying for pictures and video is as ridiculous as it sounds
loverman, 8 hours ago
Ive said my speech now time to sleep off the hulk rage lol
loverman, 8 hours ago

Also it looks like his photo might not be his own.
8 years

Too explicit?

I'm a mod here, if you're worried about anything being too explicit you can PM me here with the contents to ask my opinion on it if you'd like.
8 years