Have you ever?

love somebody so much it makes, you cry...

lol titles remind me of the randomest things! xD

But yeah, nope, never, the only people i tell about my "interests" are online people who i'll likely never meet anyway lol.
14 years

You know you're a fat admirer when

...you look at "Before and After" weight loss ads from right to left.

14 years

Anime fans or if curiosity has brought you in.

I am disappointed to see no Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh. smiley

lol thats the extent of my anime/manga knowledge smiley
14 years

Fat liberation and us

I also agree with the first two points raised by juicy, especially the second. The fact is, while as a community we may not be a danger to the Fat Acceptance movement, there are deffinetly individuals within our community who give fuel to the argument that feederism is the opposite of fat acceptance.

I see many people who seem so obssessed with the idea of growing and having to be fatter (be it themselves or someone else) that it is really no different to societies obsession with the idea of losing and getting thinner.

Feederism needs to bring the idea to the world that fat is just as desirable an ideal as thin and that there are people that strive for it, not that we are hell bent on exchanging one societal extreme for another.
14 years

Conflicted and i answer me this... is my fiance an fa?

I agree with dixie, do what you will feel comfortable with, not him, its your body, not his.
14 years

You know you're a fat admirer when

You get upset when you notice someone has lost weight. lol, regardless of if they are into this stuff or not, I always feel a sense of loss when I see a girl looking thinner...
14 years

Fat liberation and us

I've thought of that before, it really is a form of body modification, i'm just not sure if people who get tats and piercings do it for sexual satisfaction or not lol.
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

ZOMG!!! So many awesome new pokemon, I'm so pumped! smiley

EDIT: I find Serebii to be the most comprehensive, for those interested:

14 years

Gluttony meets lust, part two: an interview with molly ren

lol for all the posting I do, I actually do alot more lurking, been reading your stuff for a while now Molly, as I said, always good fun. smiley
14 years