How to start feeding my wife?

Not every woman is into weight gain. You may not be able to convince her, if she is not into it.
11 years

Plus size and petite

I'm not a fan of short thin women (although I did date my share when I was younger). However, tall and thin, short and fat or tall and fat are all nice.
11 years

Girlfriend's mom forcing diet

Don't blame the mother. She is 18, and is free to do what she chooses. If she chooses to listen to her mother, it is her choice.
11 years

What *is* fantasy feeder?

I thank everyone who is saying this is not the place to talk about weight loss. Every day I get in my car, hear diet commercials, see billboards for stomach surgery (that has killed a lot of people I know), see signs on telephone poles. When I get to work, I hear people talk about their diets, and who looks "so much better" that she lost weight. Back in the car, more diet ads and billboards. Turn on the computer and diets ads pop up. I click to a fat friendly web site, and the last thing I want to see is more diet talk.
11 years

Fatting wife??

Maybe she just likes to eat
11 years

Anyone aware of the rumour...

I think people are missing the point. If you are a normal female with normal female hormones, then your breasts are as big as your heredity intended them to be. If anyone is lacking female hormones, then perhaps added hormones may have some effect. However, being fat also increases the female hormones in your system, so adding more may not help
11 years

Turning into a fat girl

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

If people gain, either on purpose or not, they should realize that there is a very good chance that they won't be able to lose it (for any length of time). Gaining and losing is more stressful than remaining at a high stable weight. Dieting tends to slow the metabolism.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

I agree that once you gain the weight, there is a good chance that losing it would be only temporary. But then again, you would be with the other 99.9% of the population who wants to lose weight, but can't.

Anything physical is mostly genetic. That includes stretchmarks. Especially for a fast gain. But that is just part of gaining. Gaining weight means being uncomfortable at times, being discriminated against, not being able to do everything you used to, etc. For some people, this is a major problem, for others it is a joyful part of weight gain.
11 years

Weight gain, how to start?

PlumpPatricia wrote:
For someone who's been unintentionally gaining weight, how do you gain weight purposely?

I've heard of corn syrup + heavy cream and chocolate syrup mix, but wondering if that works well? And how many pounds would you say you gain, per week?

I am 194 right now but my goal would be 400 one day.

Thanks : - )

Why don't you just eat what you like to eat? Some people may not be able to gain, so they need to use special tricks. But if you are able to gain, just enjoy it. You'll be 400 before you know it.
11 years