Fat liberation and us

Well said Juicy and Molly. smiley

(Also sorry about not correcting the quote spelling xD)
14 years

Skinny to fat (pics)

I sure hope you know all these girls and have been given permission to post their pics and haven't just taken them all off google, kinda against the rules otherwise...
14 years

Fat liberation and us

abeamt RE: Feederism and Fat Acceptance 1 day ago

Joined 2 years ago
62 posts It won't let me quote you, Moonchild, but I agree with you about how we're more concerned with the products of the goal rather than the goal itself. In fact, I've commented on it a few times before, the whole symptoms vs. disease issue.

So the NAAFA is all about acceptance, right? So it is hypocritical of them to not accept us. I just get teh feeling that they're whole stance is, "I'm tired of being put down for the things that are wrong with me." We're coming from the stance, "there is nothing wrong with me, so stop putting me down."

Really, they're all about accepting their bodies, but enjoying them is wrong apparently, because afterall, they are fat, and that's gross.

Saw this post in another thread *cough* and thought it really summed up what I was intially trying to say here. Didn't want to lose it so thought i'd repost it here. (having trouble quoting lol)
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

I don't get why we still are yet to see a Dark type gym, its the only type without a gym. smiley
14 years

Wanting but not possible

There aren't any real secrets to dealing with peoples reactions and there isn't really a way to force them to change how they react, most people who gain just reach a point where the gain is more important to them then people's petty insults and just ignore it, focusing on their own happiness.

Its not easy though, I'm still struggling with it myself, but I suppose if its what you really want, you'll get there in the end. smiley
14 years

Gluttony meets lust, part two: an interview with molly ren

I remember that Ice Cream story, was great, as it always is listening to you talk about feeding and fattening up guys. smiley
14 years

Fat liberation and us

lol soz, didn't mean it as us against them, was more the other way around. I'm all for advancing fat acceptance, I just don't think the fat acceptance movement wants us...
14 years

Bow before me

SporksFTW wrote
Lola, you are amazing. Like SO amazing. I made this video for you. Will you grace me with your ownership?


Was wondering what you were up to, I hate that guy >.<

Anyways, just wanted to say how much I love this sites user base, you are all a wonderfully intelligent and humerous bunch of people as shown by this (and many previous) Troll threads.

<3 U! smiley
14 years

What memory does a certain scent or smell bring up for you?

freshly mowed lawn, reminds me of perfect sunny days with just a few clouds and a gentle breeze...
14 years