If you like it tell him.
That way its out in the open and there is no guessing and wondering.
5 years
When I was 400+ tying my shoes was very difficult so I agree with that too.
I had to sit on the couch and pull my leg up and lean in the direction of the foot to tie the shoe.
5 years
Getting into small areas to fix things.
I have crawl spaces in my attic in all 4 bedrooms where I keep things stored.
I have gotten wider than the small doors leading into them so I have to squeeze in sideways.
5 years
Glad to hear that Orion.
I took anti seizure meds for a while but I was already gaining weight at that time so I didn't notice.
Never been diagnosed as psychotic or depressed tho'.
That must be awful to have a Dr thinks you are off your nut.
5 years
Must be tough being psychotic.
5 years
Went to work at my reg job for 10 hours then came home and worked in my guitar repair shop for 4 more hours.
5 years
Let her shop for herself and you for yourself.
It makes sense to buy clothes that fit not what your Mom wants you to buy.
5 years
What do I tell my parents that I have to buy bigger clothes?
You are an adult (32) so I assume you work or have a job so you can buy your own clothes.
5 years
You are 32 years old.
Old enough to make your own decisions.
Eat more when you are not at home might help.
Personally I would not worry what your parents say because you are not a child.
5 years
Don't be afraid of others if you want to gain do it.
You don't tell them what they can and cannot do so why would you let them do that to you?
5 years