Fat liberation and us

MollyRen wrote
On a related note, I wrote a post on feederism vs. fat acceptance on my blog and some fat activists responded to me in the comments!


(Yes, Molly is vain, linking to her own blog.) smiley

However, I think the discussion is important. These people want to talk and learn, and in writing my responses I'm realizing how much work is yet to be done. I don't think we're close to being done to thinking about what we are, what we want to be, and how things should change. smiley

Interesting how this was overlooked, I can appreciate all the interest and support in fat acceptance, but you have to admit its ironic to see it on a feederism site when the majority of the fat acceptance movement is so opposed to feederism and feel we are damaging any chances of obtaining fat acceptance.

Not trying to stir trouble, it just seems everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room and want to focus on purely the fat acceptance rather then how feederism fits into the world of fat acceptance.

I imagine if both communities ever put aside thier differences they would be able to advance a far stronger case for fat acceptance together rather then too seperate assaults...

Just my 2 cents.
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Saph, did you see they confirmed the evolutions of the starters? (at least the first evo's) Guess what? THE PIG IS ANOTHER FIRE AND FIGHTING STARTER!!!

I think I'm gonna see if I can get them legally banned from making any more fire and fighting pokemon >.<
14 years

Wii fit

SashaNein wrote
starried wrote
Actually, the Wii Fit CAN track weight increases, even allows you to set a gain weight goal.

Oh neat. We're one technically-inclined feeder away from a hacked game. :v


Quick, someone go copyright the title "Wii Fat" smiley
14 years

First fat fantasy

I agree with the others, i've been having fantasys since before I could even spell fantasy. smiley
14 years

Need advice on gaining!

LOL O, you so cold and technical smiley

Anyways OP, I find it ironic that the problem you are having seems to be a fantasy most girls (even non gainers) would kill for, eating your way to bigger breasts? Sounds fun! smiley

As for the belly, I know you aren't planning on gaining an extreme amount, however I've heard of people going through stages of growing in a certain area through out a long gain, may be an idea? Good Luck! smiley
14 years

Relationship advice needed

ThatReesesGirl wrote
I can't believe you found this Tony. smiley

You are worth all the trouble. *hugs* smiley

lol, I was wondering why some random guy was commenting on a 4 yr old thread smiley
14 years

The realization that your ugly

WindDancer wrote
But it all comes down to what you think pretty or beautiful is. Some people think I am goregous and others think i'm hideous so beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you think you're ugly, don't count out the fact that some people in this world think you are the hottest thing EVER!!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

I would think that this site would be absolute proof of this little fact, anywhere else, most of us would probably be called ugly (due to our weight), yet here we find people looking at our pics, reading our posts, and enjoying our contributions (even if you aren't aware of it yourself.)
14 years

Scifista is in icu

ThatReesesGirl wrote
My thoughts and condolences are with Scifista....

Maybe we should delete this thread or edit it so as to protect her privacy...?

Ouga started the thread, so the matter would be between him and Scifista unless she raised the issue latter with a mod.
14 years