Could use some insight?

Yes you are over thinking things.
Put yourself out there and just be yourself.
Don't try to be everything to everybody.
Don't worry about fat or thin judge people by their character and personality.
Years ago I fell into a relationship with the perfect man purely by accident.
I wasn't looking and it just happened.
4 years

Weight check

If actively gaining I would check at the end of the month. So once a month.
4 years

How to gain discretely? embarrassed at what others think.

I am curious why is he afraid of his room mates?
Does he tell them what they can eat everyday?
4 years

How to gain discretely? embarrassed at what others think.

Good glad to hear it.
A lot of the time its really us that holds us back not what other people will think.
Its the excuse we use to justify not giving in to actually gaining
4 years

How to gain discretely? embarrassed at what others think.

I think you need to get over your fear of people finding out.
Once you put on weight everybody and their brother is going to know.
4 years

Anyone been badly burned on feabie?

Thats a good way to put it a fat facebook.LOLOL
4 years

Anyone been badly burned on feabie?

Feabie was nothing but mean ass people.
I went on there the week it went online and within a few months I left.
It was too much like high school with all the cliques and certain people who could get away with breaking rules all the time.
Had one girl on feabie that was a local to me and she tried to jack with me at a local club.
Lets say it got ugly and she got what was coming to her.( facial redistribution from me)
She lied to the cops about the whole ordeal and ended up in jail for 90 days.
I have seen her a few times since then but she won't say anything to me.
4 years