Re-gaining of lost weight

For extremely large people, it can be fatal. If anyone remembers Walter Hudson, he was very large. They got him to lose weight. He lost a lot, and when he started to regain it, he died. This has happened to a few other famous fat people. It probably won't happen to someone who is smaller and has not lost hundreds of pounds.
11 years

How do i stop my girlfriend...

It may be time to move on. If she lost the weight through no fault of her own, then you probably should support her. But if you like fat or curvy woman, and she hates it, it may be too hard to overlook. Good luck.
11 years

Dark side of the moobs.

You can always check out some transgender websites. Some companies sell prescription meds over the mail. But you need to know the risks first.
11 years

Fired due to weight

No, it is not illegal to fire someone who has a medical condition. I think a bus driver or truck driver would not be allowed to keep his job if he became blind.

Rememeber that the person who started the thread did not ask people to judge the case. He asked for practical advice for his client.

Also, the laws are different in different places. I also think that people here may be too influenced by the "feedee/feeder" thing here. Most people do not gain weight on purpose, and most can not lose it on purpose.

I have also known people who have gained a lot of weight by being depressed without changing their eating habbits. Depression changes the body chemistry, and body chemistry affects metabolism.

The person who started this thread said he knows what his legal options are. basically they revolve around handicap laws, resonable accomodations, etc. The judge can rule that the employer replace the tall 4 drawer filing cabinets with lower 2 drawer filing cabinets and a chair. That seems reasonable to me.

The judge or jury should apply the law, but personal prejudices will also get in the way.
11 years

Fired due to weight

Unless she lives in MI, DC, or certain cities in CA, it is totally legal to fire her. You can try to classify her weight as a disability, and sue under ADA laws.

There really isn't much she can do, other than file for SS disability. In today's job market, unless she has some very special skills, she will lose out.

She needs a good FA hubby to support her.
11 years

Gaining soft fat?

I believe that hard fat is inside the muscle wall, and soft fat is outside of it.
12 years

Bullet bra's

scoobs wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
Don't think they come in 52DD, or any other interesting size.

anorei collins did a photoshoot in a 40MM bullet bra, seems the do come in larger sizes

Very nice. But I think torpedo bra might be a better description. Lol
12 years

Bullet bra's

Don't think they come in 52DD, or any other interesting size.
12 years

Weight loss?

You are the doctor's customer. You tell her what to do. She does not tell you what to do.
12 years

Can't stop gaining?

wretty222 wrote:
i've been feeling this way lately! i think i like to THINK that i'm choosing to gain, but sometimes i eat normally for a few weeks and still i feel.. bigger. i look at the stretchmarks that cover my tummy now and i try to pretend that i had control over them, or that i intentionally fattened myself up, but honestly sometimes it's just been the natural consequence of my appetite. even when i'm trying to suppress it...

that kinda scares me, because it makes me think if i REALLY tried to gain, i could go... way, way farther than i am now. like if i started to truly use all the tips people write about on this site, i would just balloon up.

A lot of people will not admit they do not have control over their weight. Even people in the size acceptance community will say, "I can lose weight if I want, I just don't want to right now."

I do not believe this. Many people get into the situation where if they eat, they will gain. If they don't eat, they slow their metabolisms and gain.
12 years