Bookworms represent!

total bookworm here!
10 years

Currently listening to

the smiths - pretty girls make graves
10 years


STUFF OF THE GODS. Dip pretzels in it. Heaven is a place on Earth.
10 years

Anyone else...?

HELL YEAH!!!! I've never dated a woman who felt 100% comfortable with her body (and I share a preference for bbw). I would LOVE to meet a woman who didn't have body issues and felt free in her sexuality! Confidence is sooo sexy
10 years

Subtle domination/manipulation

Subtle domination is definitely a turn-on for me. I don't respond to it, but I love to dole it out. A very big part of me would love to sink my claws into somebody and manipulate them into stuffing themselves. smiley
10 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

BigRoundBellyLover wrote:
I love the idea of domination feeders. When I think about domination feeding, what's comes to my head is a skinny girl that will force feed a boy till they are fat enough to the girl and the girl can just feel free to do whatever she wants with the man and even tease him and use him for whatever she wants. To me it sounds really sexy to be honest.

This scenario intrigues the sadist in me. I think it would be amazing to take a really thin man or woman and fatten them up through restrained forcefeeding sessions over time and, of course, take advantage of them sexually. Yeaaah, that is super hot. I would also love to be on the end of some restrained handfeeding. I am switch-y depending on the sexual energy. smiley
10 years

Am i a hypocrite?

It seems like a lot of your problems are coming from your own body issues and being concerned with what your family thinks. Yes, it's okay to want to gain weight. Yes, it's okay to want to lose weight. Yes, it's okay to still be attracted to weight gain or watching your significant other get fat. Yes, it's perfectly normal and healthy to explore your sexuality and yes, you will probably realize some things that might surprise you.

The only real obstacle between you and what you want is acceptance. You need to accept that these things are all okay, that you're not a hypocrite, and it's okay to deviate from 'normal' vanilla form. You also have to accept that it's okay to agree to disagree, and that you cannot allow what other people want or expect of you to control your life or interfere with your personal happiness. You can't be afraid of what people will think or say, otherwise you are a slave to that ideal and you're feeding into it. You have to accept yourself for who you really are.

My advice: just say '*** it'. Out loud. Literally, just say '*** it' and adopt that attitude. You can be thin, fat, tall, short, etc; you will never fit into some kind of perfect mold, you will never be everybody's cup of tea. You owe it to yourself to find some peace with who you really are.

With that said (and at the risk of sounding a little harsh) you also owe it to your partner to not project your body issues onto him. I think it's true that we can't really extend unconditional love beyond ourselves unless we start WITH ourselves. If you have a hard time accepting your own weight and fat acceptance in general I think it's natural he's probably feeling some type of way about it, too. I'm very, very far from a relationship expert but I think that the obvious answer is to sit down with one another and hash it out. You can find a way to support one another while you work on your personal issues.

Good luck to you smiley
10 years

Favorite piece of clothing?

I'm a big fan of lace and own a ton of it. My favorite lace dress in particular is all white, super short and fits me like a dream. It hugs all my curves perfectly and bonus: it's VERY comfortable! I usually do a white lace thong underneath. Nothing makes me feel sexier then that particular ensemble.
10 years