I deal with compulsive over eating disorder and I have spells where I eat constantly/ binge eat.
Weight gain always happens a month later of course.
I had a binge eating spell early this year but haven't had one lately.
My weight fluctuates all the time.
6 months
No reason not to at least try to stay flexible and be fat at the same time.
6 months
Exercise and stretch/ stay active.
You can gain weight and not be sedentary.
I walk each evening or walk horses for about 30 mins.
I'm fat and flabby so deff not toned LOL
6 months
It has happened to me a few times over the years.
Never paid much attention to comments from others.
There are times when people said I lost or gained weight and I did neither.
6 months
Just increase the amount of food you eat.
A good way to start is have larger portions at meal time and snack in between meals.
6 months
Some belly exposed was a thing for me as I was gaining.
Still let it show in the right outfit
Chubby or fat guys with their bellies peeking out is something I find cute and attractive.
6 months
Years ago when I was an active gainer the act of getting fat was a turn on for me.
My BF's fat body is always turning me on these days.
There is not one part of his body that isn't hot.
6 months
I have a belt extender in my Jeep.
I am too scared to fly but I am sure I would have to ask for one.
7 months
Its been years since I could fit in a booth in most places.
I do like to try tho'
Waitresses and waiters that are heavy themselves don't ask booth or table.
This belly does not fit in a booth take my word for it.
7 months
SSBBW Summer:
I've gained 300 pounds and now weigh 500
I'm a fan Summer just so you know. Oh and I am a donut lover too.
I went from 115 or so to 445 at my highest but it took about 15 years so not that impressive.
7 months