Growing man tits

If someone would have told me like 20 years ago I would enjoy the weight gain and want bigger moobs. I think I would have punched them :-P
3 years

Weight gain and penis size

Ya I'm at the point that my member is fully buried when soft. And just the head will stick out past the fat pad wile standing. But is buried when setting down when hard.
3 years

Cars for the huge belly

Most newer cars anymore have telescoping wheels. What is she driving now? Because it don't matter how much belly room you get if they can't reach the peddles. Also some cars have adjustable peddles.
3 years

Dealing with sciatic nerve pain?

Who deals with it? And what helps you the most?
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Going to have to say I'm at 7 right now.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Honestly, I hope to be so fat that my overfed body rips apart pants....not just struggle with them. However, my pants now are just snug.

I end up busting the seam right by the zipper or close to it.
3 years

Fupa questions

Hi guys,

I would like to add a question to the Expatbhm list.

Guys with a huge fupa, how do you deal with peeing?

I don't want to sound harsh, but I very often see different obese guys dealing with this in different ways.

Does the fupa prevent you from peeing "easily"? Is it really a daily struggle?

Sorry for the questions, but as a gainer trying to get obese, the fupa is one of the things that really turn me on, and I would like to know more about it from guys that already have it smiley

sitting makes it much easier, besides id rather sit then stand there

Sitting does help But you do get to the point that it starts to really get in the way. It really depends on how the fat builds up down below.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

I’m almost to my goal of 500. And I think I’m going to stop pushing past that point. Because I still need to work. If I didn’t have to work. I could see going for 700
3 years

Belly touching the steering wheel

Captain Cake:
This is happening to me the last month or so and it's getting worse, but my problem is I'm quite short, so if I keep having to adjust the seat back, there's a risk I'm not going to be able to reach the peddles with my legs anymore. Not sure what to do about that!

Pedel extender
3 years

Belly touching the steering wheel

See I'm a tall guy. And I already have to have the seat all the way back to drive. The work vehicle My belly rubs getting in and out No matter where the wheel is. And with it pulled back to me Depending on how full I am that day Sometimes I have to slide the wheel a bit further away Or lay the seat back more. Now my personal car I have a ways to go before this is a problem LOL
3 years