Profile search is broken

The search function for profiles is not working properly. This issue may be site wide and effect other search features, but I have no idea.

The issue is that when you browse user profiles, the first page of results will be fine. But once you click to the second page, the results will go out of order, and I will often see profiles from the first page show up on other pages. If I click back to the first page, the results are not in the same order as they were the first time, and include some results from the second page, etc. There's no consistency to how the results appear from page to page, so there are going to be some results that never show up, as they're constantly being shuffled around.

Doing a basic example search, here was the URL on the first page:

And here was the URL for the second page:

Playing spot the difference, the glaring omission in the second page is that "&order=last+online" is missing from the URL. Clicking back to the first page does not restore the original URL, it only changes "&rowStart=20" to "&rowStart=0".

Instead of clicking to the next page, if I stay on the first page and manually change the value of rowStart in increments of 20, the search results stay in the proper order and everything works as it should.

The site is old, and I imagine there is a lot of legacy code that is having a conflict somewhere. You may just need to rebuild the search function if you can't find the cause of the problem.

If you do, I'd like to see some new fields on the advanced search. Specifically, I'd like the ability to order results by distance, so that users closest to my location appear first. And I'd also like the ability to search for keywords within profile text. For example, if i search for "metal", it should show me all profiles that include metal in their about me section or interests.

Right after posting this, I noticed an unrelated issue. The URLs in my post are not wrapping properly because they don't contain spaces, so they are extending beyond the edge of the page. I'm using Chrome.
6 years

At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

I think somebody confuse relationship with selfishness. Unless we're talking specifically about Onenism...

Relationships are transactional by their nature, even the vanilla kind. The price you pay is the time and effort it takes to emotionally support and be devoted to your partner. The reward you receive is the feeling of being in love with someone who loves you back, a life companion, and the support of someone who wants you to be happy. If you were not receiving any of these rewards, would you continue to pay the same price?
6 years

Being dominant: willing to learn, too nervous to proform.

I have no experience either, all my knowledge comes from porn and fetlife, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

But basically, you need to get her consent to stop thinking about her consent. You do that by discussing her limits. Once you know that you can do literally anything you want within some boundaries, you can feel free to just go wild and experiment. At that point it becomes a game where you are testing the limits of your own comfort zone while still staying within hers.

In general, you shouldn't be asking her if she's still ok during each act. That's a good way to make her lose the immersion and get frustrated. It's best to just try something and watch her reaction to see how she's doing. If she's not ok with it, she will tell you or give you a clear sign. The best way to dom is when you feel free to be wickedly creative, rather than feeling constrained to a rigid scenario. Nobody likes to be a service top. If something you both want to do feels unnatural to you at first, keep trying it anyway and fake it til you make it.

With being a Master instead of just a dom, there's a lot more to it. But all the same rules apply, you just need to apply it to every facet of her life instead of just sex. Try to keep her busy throughout the day instead of having long periods where she's waiting on you to tell her what to do.

Since you wanted ideas, here are some to get started with...

If she likes physical domination -- you can set up scenarios where she is bound and blindfolded, and then (safely) cause her pain. More than the pain itself, she'll be into the fear of not knowing when or where the next blow will land, and being powerless to avoid it.

You can also work domination into your normal sex routine by physically handling her. Instead of telling her to get on the bed, push her onto the bed and move her into position yourself. You can also do things like pulling her hair, slapping her face, pushing her head down, covering her mouth, etc. so she feels completely at your mercy. It's a simple addition, but it works.

If she likes emotional domination -- then it's much better to improvise than keep doing the same things, since she can get used to it. Whatever you do, the point is for her to feel much lower than you. Things like making her eat off the floor, rubbing her face in food, making her kiss your shoes, etc. Always follow up a degrading act by making fun of her to drive it home. Play on her insecurities, because that will have the most effect.

You can work humiliation into normal sex by doing things that make her feel awkward or embarrassed. For example, while she's deepthroating you, you could hold her head in place, tell her to recite the pledge of allegiance, and then scold her for mumbling. Spitting on her face is another easy thing you can do in any occasion. As long as you're laughing at her misery, she'll enjoy it.

If she likes mental domination -- this is the trickiest to get right, and some understanding of human psychology is a plus. One aspect of mental domination can be to set yourself up as being all-knowing. Pay attention to her fantasies and then tell her how she's feeling when you act them out. Ask her questions about what aspects she likes and how she feels about herself for liking it, then feed the information back to her next time. Try to get inside her head as much as possible. The more accurate you are, the more she will be impressed and intimidated, and therefore submissive.

In mindfuck scenarios the idea is to keep her feeling disoriented and emotionally out of control. Be unpredictable and break her expectations at every turn. Hide your true emotions and intentions from her, give her the impression that almost anything can happen, and then completely outsmart her. Add elements of withholding what she wants, edging and teasing. Make sure she feels as though it isn't just roleplay and something real is at stake (when in reality it's still just roleplay and within her limits). This will probably take careful planning to set up.

In the context of a long term relationships with a TPE dynamic, the point is instead to increase her devotion to you and her reliance on you. There are many ways to do this, but you basically need to strip her of all autonomy. Make her ask permission to orgasm or go to the bathroom or sit on furniture. Make sure the only food she eats is hand fed by you. Have rules for clothes, eye contact, posture, and speech. Make it so that she is hyper aware of every movement she makes, as everything is done in your service. Punish her when she screws up, but not with pain. Instead, give her long periods of sensory deprivation as a "timeout". Yes, this will be extremely exhausting for you.

But yeah, just make sure she is into the stuff you want to try before you try it. Hope this helped.

EDIT: Forgot to mention aftercare. Google it, it's important.
6 years

At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

Here's the thing, ALL relationships are selfish. Yes, all of them. If you are getting zero value from a relationship, you will probably lose interest and leave. (Unless you are convinced they're the best you can do).

As an example, you could be dating a guy who looked attractive to you, had ambition, confidence, a good career, and everything going for him. Then one day he loses his job, falls into a depression, lets himself go and stops trying in life. I'm guessing you would lose any attraction you had to him, and would consider moving on if he didn't turn his life back around.

So the real question is, are feeders only interested in sexuality to the exclusion of all else? Well, some are and some aren't. Just like the general population.

Some people want to have relationships that are only physical. Of course if the sex stops being good, then there's nothing left keeping them together, and they'd both be happy to move on to the next casual relationship. As long as they're both honest about what they want, there's nothing wrong with that. Same thing with some feeders. (And no, I don't think most feeders are dishonest about their intentions.)

Some people want to settle down and spend the rest of their life with someone they love and raise a family together. If the sex were to end, it might not be as big a deal, because they would still love each other and have the life they built together.

It's no different for feeders. Just as I've heard stories of feeders taking off once the gaining stopped, I've also heard stories of feeders who were supportive of the weight loss because they wanted to be a dad more than they wanted to be sexually satisfied.

That being said, fulfilling sex is kinda important for every relationship. Nobody wants to live their life with sexual frustration. For some feeders, hearing "I want to lose weight" is the equivalent of saying "We should both try chastity together".
6 years

Body shape in movies

The movie 300 was actually based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Zack Snyder (the director of the movie) has stated that his only intention with the movie was to accurately adapt the comic. So I think you have to blame the comic book industry for this one, rather than Hollywood. The funny thing is though, that when Frank Miller was writing 300, he spent a good deal of time in Greece extensively researching the history. Then he dramatized the hell out of it.
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Elliott: I'm the victim of a nocturnal rapture. I have to release my lowest instincts with a woman.
Holly: *Punches him in the crotch* Release your instincts in the bathroom!
Elliott: Are you nuts? You tryin' to turn me into a homo?
Holly: Wouldn't be too hard. If my father discovers you here, he'd cut off your little nuts and eat them. He can't stand you.
-Troll 2

I did not hit her! It's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not. Oh hai Mark!
-The Room

Stewart: You vindictive son of a bitch. The best thing for the firm is me. I'm the best thing this firm has, and you f*cking know it. This is f*cking reve-- *Will pisses on his shoes* What are you, crazy?!
Will: No, I'm just marking my territory, and you got in the way.
Stewart: Nice. Real nice. Suede shoes.
Will: Asparagus.

Deak: Do you have any idea what we are gonna do to you if we find one itty bitty scratch on 'em?
Shep Ramsey: Let me guess. You're gonna pound my face, break every bone in my body, then you're gonna drag me across a gravel road and feed my remains to a warthog. Is that about right?
Deak: What are you, nuts? This is the 90's. We're gonna sue you.
-Suburban Commando

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
-They Live

-The Wicker Man

Sands: Are you a Mexican or a Mexican't?
Cucuy: I'm a Mexican.
Sands: Good. Then do as I say.
-Once Upon a Time in Mexico
13 years

Miracles, by icp

The only miracle is that these guys even got popular in the first place. F*ckin juggalos, how do they work? Seriously, I'd like to know how ICP ended up with such a following without having any talent. Somebody explain it to me.

EDIT: Just found a link to an article on It's wicked mad dope fresh. Let's get some science up in this bitch. WOOP WOOP***in-science-with-the-icp/

Note, the URL contains a swear, so it gets automatically censored when I link to it, and redirects to a blank page. Oops.
13 years

I just came out of the fa closet

A long time ago, when my mom first found out, her immediate reaction was that I must have really low self esteem because subconsciously, I must believe that that's the only type of woman who'd accept me. Yeah, my mom is awesome. When she says something insensitive, it's insulting on at least 3 levels. Anyway, after that awkward conversation, she decided to just leave well enough alone and accept it. She told me that I could fall in love with trailer trash if I wanted to, and if it made me happy, she'd be happy for me. She's not a bad person, she just has no idea what is or isn't appropriate to say.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

The only reason the thread got locked was because people were beating up on Dazed. As long as you don't single out anybody in the future, you can debate the original topic of this thread to your heart's content, and it probably won't get locked again. People probably aren't going to see your post several pages in, so the simplest way to get people to change the subject in the middle of a discussion is just to make a new thread.
13 years