Argentinian female feeder

As an aside,I should remind everyone who posted in this thread about rule #12 in the web site rules, which states publicly viewable messages should be in English.
1 year

A new great way for quick weight gain

What brand is it? Any pictures of the packaging? Each such product is going to be slightly different in composition.

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Also I think this may be more suited for the Gaining board so I'm gonna move this there.
1 year

Tools and articles to keep feedee comfortable and lazy

I'm single, a gainer, and live alone, but I have some ideas that may help.

First, perhaps obviously, is to maintain a local store of a wide variety of foods. Some folks have this seemingly kind of weird habit of planning out meals 1-2 weeks in advance. Don't do that. Besides, I never know what I might crave tomorrow, much less next week. Whatever foods are preferred, make sure you have that on hand.

For a computer/desk chair at home, I prefer something with a big soft seating surface, and no arm rests. You don't want something that will get uncomfortable and tight as you widen.

Keeping snacks within arms reach is useful too, for ease of access and it makes it so much easier to almost mindlessly eat and snack, almost automatically. Again, you'd want a wide variety, savory and sweet. This will mean fewer trips to restock.

A mini fridge for cold drinks nearby, and a microwave oven might be something to consider too.

Hopefully your girlfriend has started to keep snacks in her purse, for ease of snacking on the go.
1 year

Every fast food chain in one day?🤤🐷

Ha ha. I'm sure there must be other chains in Australia, perhaps in some areas and not others?

Here in America, if you count regional chains, and any kind of quick service chain, there are... *drumroll*...

More than 40 of them! Probably more than 60! It might depend on what you count. e.g. Does Denny's, Applebee's, Bob Evan's, and IHOP count? Or the last Howard Johnson's?

That means if you plan out a road trip carefully, in the hopes of being able to visit each one at least once, and you made a point of trying a different one for each meal of the day, and 3 meals a day, it would take you...three, yes.. probably THREE weeks to get through all of them.

I'm actually not sure if such a road trip is possible, if you were insistent on not repeating a chain. Of course, it wouldn't be so bad, if you did.
1 year

Best and worst things about being fat/getting fat

The worst part about getting fatter has probably been the expense involving buying new clothes, though this becomes less frequent as you need more and more calories and pounds for every additional inch. But it's still going to be more frequent than someone who isn't gaining deliberately. This cost can be potentially substantial, depending on personal preferences. You will have to accept giving up on certain clothing brands, even if this is less common than before. Express makes some pretty good jeans/pants, but they currently don't go higher than 42 for a 44" waist, unfortunately.

The second worst part is probably getting hungry even when it's not convenient. Sometimes I can solve this by drinking a heavy cream weight gain shake if I don't expect to be able to eat for at least several hours.

The best part is the additional mass and softness. I've even noticed, and enjoyed certain changes to my personality. I may move slightly slower, but it also means I'll think more deliberately and plan it out a little better. Sitting is also more comfortable than it used to be, both because of built-in softness and the additional mass that keeps me more grounded. Sometimes, I just don't want to get up. And yes, sometimes I just love how the softness feels, whether it's that my fingers can sink in more than they used to, or indeed, rubbing my gut, particularly after eating.

Another best part is that I both want, though also need to eat more than I used to. I can enjoy more fattening, calorie laden foods than I used to. I have a stronger preference for higher calorie food. I'll still eat a salad, but I'm going to want croutons, lots of creamy Caesar dressing on it, and ideally bacon bits on it.

Sometimes I even get cravings that aren't exactly driven by horrible hunger, yet it still feels quite good when you satisfy them anyway. I'll tell you something else.. it's very nice and usually feels good to drink a heavy cream weight gain shake before going to sleep. Really puts a smile on your face.
1 year

Pants and shirts sizes are getting bigger

Oh yes, and I'm quietly thrilled about this!

This has been a thing in women's clothes for years/decades. Some point out that Marilyn Monroe was a size 16, and back then she was, despite being so skinny.

But I think it's only been a few years that this started to affect most men's clothes too. This isn't the case with all brands. Wrangler jeans are still true to size, so a "40" is still 40" around the waist, not 42", so far as I know.

But most out there? Add 2 inches to the advertised waist size to get the real number. That seems to be the reality nowadays.

The only downside I see to this isn't really much of a downside at all. I have some 40s which are really 42". Just means I need to expand another inch or so until they start to get snug. Only one way to solve that, and that's to have more ice cream, heavy cream, triple burgers, snacks, baked goods, etc.

Of course, once that happens, there will come a day when that's too snug, so the only option would be to upgrade to the next size up. One nice thing though, is that beyond a certain size, you have enough softness and squish that clothes will last longer before you have to upgrade.

At a certain point, though I know not when, I'll probably not actively gain, but will likely still slowly expand like most of us are doing. Perhaps by that point, the clothing sizes will adjust again. Perhaps where the advertised size + 4" will become the norm.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?
1 year

Prepping for getting fat

I don't know if there's a really good answer for this, since it really depends on how far you take it, and there's so many things to possibly consider. The best thing you can probably do is read about the experiences of others.

There's tiers and levels of fat that most folks never get to, for one thing.

Just as a forewarning though, some of these can potentially be quite expensive, so you'd need to prepare for that.

First Tier:

These are probably some of the first changes you might notice.

Food Costs

Perhaps obviously what the food costs, though this might not be as big of a deal depending on what your current eating and spending habits are. Of course, I don't know what kind of budget you're on. If you're already engaging in a lot of budget unfriendly activities, it'd be easier to adjust.

If you get same day food delivery - stop. It's so insanely expensive it's not even funny. You can get SO much more food from the grocery store, or even when you get takeout. I will never understand why anyone uses this service.

You shouldn't use grocery delivery either, but if you somehow must, try to maximize the size of the order to economize on delivery/shipping costs.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are also expensive, spoil very quickly, and lack calories. Vitamins are important, but multivitamin pills are very cheap.


How much this costs of course, depends on your fashion choices, preferences, and requirements. If you need to wear 3-piece suits for work, this is gonna suck, though this is less likely than once upon a time.

The first thing that would stop fitting are bottoms; trousers, jeans, skirts, etc. especially around the waistline area.

The next thing that will stop fitting are tops; shirts, blouses, etc. particularly around the neck area, followed by probably the gut area and depending on the item, the arm holes.

While less common than before, there are still some clothing brands you will have to give up on. This isn't a problem that just women may have, but men could have it too. I notice that Express won't sell bottoms larger than a 42 (44" waistline) for men, which is too bad since I think they make some decent quality stuff and if you catch the right sale, the pricing isn't too insane.

That's tier 1.

Second Tier:

This probably won't differ too much from tier 1, but other things start to be affected.

Depending on the shape of your foot, or how much that's thickening up, you might need larger shoes. Though, you're unlikely to change shoe size anywhere near as quickly as clothes size. This is why I didn't mention shoes in tier 1.

Jewelry, in the form of rings, may eventually need to be resized, or moved from say, the index finger to the pinky, etc. This process is not particularly cheap. When I had a ring resized, I had to pay about $90.

Some furniture will start to give you pause, but such furniture will be rare. I'm talking about small, thin plastic stools or smaller/thinner folding chairs. Traditional classroom desks with an integrated chair may be too snug, but I don't think those are even common in classrooms anymore, and you'd never find them anywhere else.

I could be wrong but I don't think most folks usually get too much past tier 2.

Third Tier:

This is probably the point where more folks might start to think "Wow I'm big" since this could require more expensive changes.

You might also be thinking about another bed/mattress, though this might happen in tier 2.

If you have a compact car, you're probably giving serious thought to something bigger. Depending on model, this could mean it costs a good bit more.

There's more furniture where you're worried it might break. You're thinking about a desk chair designed to hold more weight.

You can probably still sit in a booth at a restaurant, but it may not be comfortable so you prefer not to.

Commercial flights will be even more annoying, since coach seats are just too snug. Public transit is likely to have the same problem.

Fourth or Fifth Tier

There might be a tier where major dwelling space renovations may be required, but realistically, few individuals ever get this big.
1 year

Seeking a serious feeder

This thread reads very much like a personals ad, so I'm moving it to the appropriate board.
1 year

When you decided to start gaining…

That was me at one point. I thought I was only an FA and feeder.

Although, I think part of it is that I actually wanted, or needed to be fat all along, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Anyway, a few things to keep in mind -

I don't know if those first 10-15 lbs will come easy or hard, but I doubt anyone will really notice. If anyone noticed back in the day when I went from a scant 130 to 145, no one said anything. I used to have a notion of going about 10 lbs at a time, though my milestones are now about 25 lbs at a time.

You're unlikely to notice any very substantial changes outside of closed doors with only a small amount gained.

Especially at your height (I saw you, the OP, is just over 6`) the odds are pretty good you might not even need new clothes, though some of them will feel a little more snug.

You might have a slightly improved appetite and crave more calorie dense foods, but I wouldn't expect your normal eating patterns to change much (when you aren't trying to eat at much as possible).

That might be enough to know for sure, but it also might not be.

Of course, here's the big one you might have to really watch out for.. I say this in a tongue-and-cheek manner, because it might actually be positive.

You might think.. well that wasn't enough to notice much change, "I need 10 more lbs." and then, the cycle keeps repeating. Before you know it, you've gained 30 lbs, bought some new clothes, accepted it, and it's still not enough and you've just got to keep going!
1 year