How fat is "too fat"?

Rationally I know there should be a limit but I’m not sure that 1) I would want to stop even if I hit that limit, and 2) would I be able to stop at that limit. Setting a limit and then gaining right past it is also kind of hot to me. I told myself I’d never gain more than 20 lbs but then all of a sudden I had gained 40+. Not being able to stop at my limit was quite a turn on.

I’ve found setting little limits is a great game for feedees and gainers. Every 20 to 40 lbs my last feedee would set a new limit and seriously say that was it, and of course it never was. That’s half the fun.
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

The limit I put on all feedees I have is they have to be able to move around and look after themselves. If a feedee lives with me as a partner I often don’t like them to do a lot for themselves but they have to be able to. I’m fine with them being dependant on me but they have to be able to be independent physically,
Both because I have no interest in making that much of a commitment and I think at that point you probably aren’t living a full life.
I had one feedee who was happy sitting on the couch and being fed. She wanted to be controlled, dominated and dependant on her feeder. But I still believe she needed the freedom to be able to leave.
3 years

What do you think is sexier in regards to gaining?

Having a girlfriend/wife that is already fat and embraces it, or having an average size girlfriend that lets herself go and blows up?

I mean from a pure fantasy place starting skinny is always going to be appealing because the fantasy is about the transformation.
not just gaining weight but going from a fit and single girl to a fat happy and probably lazy GF is the fantasy for many.

It was like that with my last partner, after she started gaining weight she talked about losing and I told her I liked spoiling her and I liked her bigger. So she ended bigger. When she wanted to diet I supported her but in the end I think knowing she was ‘allowed’ to give up on it made it impossible to follow through with.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

oops... word count got me. PART 2
So I start my senior year at 260. Well over doubling my weight from when I started college.
As my friends come to see me in my apt I can see the initial look of shock. I end up cancelling our second study session and they all freak out because it’s their senior year too and they need to keep their 4.0 GPA to secure the best jobs.

They pretty much take care of me round the clock… knowing their success is tied to me tutoring and studying with them. Someone calls to wake me e very morning and in addition to the boxes of food I get delivered from my blackmailer… my friends always have food around for me. It seems like every waking moment I’m nibbling or horfing food down.

Senior year… September 260 lbs… with their help… totally self centered help… no thought to my well being…. My body has become a calorie storing machine. 4.5 lbs a week. by finals week I have packed on over 50 lbs. and my graduation things have leveled off so another 50…. not including the weight gained during holiday splurges and binges… almost 370 lbs.
I waddle across the stage and take my diploma with my chubby sausage fingers…. My friends… they get their degrees and forget about me. The days turn into weeks as I stay at home depressed…. Eating… reading the emails from my oppressor…

This was the fun part. The dark part is …. Well… dark.

Dude you have to tell us the dark part 😂
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Pretty straight forward really. Get a woman who is very athletic, driven by fitness and careful about what they eat, and make them through encouragement and manipulation to be a fat lazy slob. Getting to watch the person they were be replaced by the new pig they’ve become. Their goals and desires replaced by hunger and laziness.
3 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

My ex and I would talk about a version of that sometimes. She would say she wanted me to take her overseas somewhere like Italy and lock her in some farm house. Letting her do nothing but eat pasta and drink wine till she was unrecognisable. Then bring her back to our home country a completely different person.
3 years

"searching for a story" thread

Sigh... it was a two chapter story that went poof a while ago.
A feeder is secretly fattening his GF. First chapter is him slipping her appetite stimulants/ stuff to make her tired into her food and drink, so she starts gaining and failing classes. Second chapter is her half dressed, her IQ obviously dropping sobbing into a thing of chicken. He convinces her she’s too dumb to be in school and hand feeds her chicken on all fours.
Anyone remember the author or where else it might be?

That’s it there my dude
Called Fattening her up by cupcakely
Saddly no new additions to it tho
3 years

Into slobs?

100% My taste don’t even run that big for the most part but a feedee should be a slob in my mind.
I always encourage my girls to let themselves go in every possible way.
Nothing sexy than seeing a girl going from well made up in pretty dresses and well looked after hair, to fat slob on a couch in sweats, greasy hair and pale splotchy not made up face.
3 years

Three points of no return

There's been discussion about a "point of no return" in gaining, but in thinking about my girl, it dawned on me that there's *at least* three.

1. Physical point of no return
When exercise potential has been diminished by being so out of shape that any calories burned are overwhelmed by increased hunger from multiplying fat cells.
She reached this one first and it wasn't something obvious until viewed in hindsight. She'd have second thoughts about gaining and would go on a diet or start running only to binge sometime later and regain even more. Over time, these second thoughts became farther apart and the time to regaining became sooner.

2. Lifestyle point of no return
At this point, she started living more like a big girl. She'd make excuses like "I'm too fat for that" to avoid going upstairs. She avoided a job that would have required standing all day.
But she still had inhibitions. She'd check labels for calories. She'd avoid the cream at Starbucks. She'd talk about going to the gym, even if she never did. She'd turn down food you could tell she wanted, because "she just ate".

3. Mental point of no return
This is more recent, and only now would I say that she's a true fatty.
She eats with abandon now. She'll grab a second dessert because "ooh, that looks good". She *thinks* like a fatty now. She'll gorge and then take a nap because of all the carbs. She accommodates her fat with loose clothing and A/C rather than apologizing for it or trying to ignore it. Potential weight loss isn't even a passing remark anymore.

There's two interesting things about level 3:
- Now I feel like she's truly experiencing the liberation of being a feedee. No more second thoughts, no more guilt. She just does as she pleases.
- My goodness it's hard to not gain with her. She prefers muscular guys which is why I'm not already huge, but she's constantly offering food now because she snacks so often. Plus tricks that worked at level 1 like splitting a dessert, but letting her eat most of it, don't work anymore when she's ordering two desserts for herself and wondering why I'm not getting one. So side note: If you're gonna get your girl big, make sure you either have a lot of self control or she's cool with you growing too.

Very true I never thought about it this way.

I’ve seen all these in past relationships and past feedees.

I would say the difference between dating a feedee and a non feedee is even if they gain that 3rd point is rarely reached.

I dated a girl well before I knew anything about feeder culture. I just new I liked ‘spoiling’ the girls I dated and I had a thing for bigger women.

She got past that 1st PoNR within a year and a half, and the second after about 8-9months of struggling to try and loss weight. But the third never quite came.
She accepted she was a fat girl but she was still controlled by that social need to control her eating and pretend she would go to the gym.

We’re as my last feedee hit the 3rd PoNR almost immediately after the 2nd.
3 years

How to be a dominant feeder for my bf.

In past general dom/sub relationships, I’ve found it’s been helpful to sit down with your partner and talk about what you both enjoy and maybe write down a list that you can both add to whenever you think of something you’d like to try. Communication outside the bedroom is the most important aspect of any dom/sub lifestyle in my experience.

I hope this was helpful in any way!

This is 100% the best starting point,
Find out what they are into, and what the limits are.
Diet control is a big one, having them report in after meals, even if just by text.
I once had a feedee sub who I made live chat or record her eating lunch so I knew she had it all.

Having expectations for what they eat and pushing those limits. You can also institute limits on how much time they can have off the couch. Often getting a fitness tracker is good because you can institute step limits that if they go over they are punished for.

My ex had a very high sex drive so I instituted a ‘no masturbation’ policy which I knew she wouldn’t be able to obey. I would check in after getting home from work and she would almost always end up admitting she had.
Then you have a punishment, forced feeding, spanking or being ‘grounded’.
Most subs want at least one rule they will break so they can be punished which of course is half the fun.

If you what it all centred around feeding it could be that in a weekend you give them way too much food that they can’t possibly eat and when they fail you punish them.

I had a feedee who was just a friend but also a sub and when she failed to eat an amount or just said refused to eat more then the punishment was to be strapped down and funnel fed twice the amount of calories she had refused.
Some light taunting can be used for fun of course. I would often say ‘You eat what your told so you can get the ‘proper size’ now you’ll end up Twice as fat and it is your own fault.’
3 years