Stages of getting fat (body types)

I think I've moved up to a five
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

When I started chatting here, it was assumed that I am a feedee because...well...I have a vagina. 🤷🤦
I was offered money by a few different men without having asked. I didn't take it. It felt like porn or prostitution, neither of which are my thing. Apparently, it's not just tik tok creating these models. Shall I name names so we can get out the pitch forks and torches? Probably not. But it is clear that some men expect to be able to pay for this. In fact, they expect to be able to pay just anybody that comes along for it, which is a bit rude.

There definitely is a financial cost associated with content production, as Cookie pointed out, over and above the rising grocery bill associated with gaining in general. I can see where as a business person (as opposed to an exhibitionist) covering this overhead is crucial to continuation of the business. It's all part of the game.

The fact remains though that there is demand on both sides of the "pay for play" coin, so why is that not addressed? Add a pay for play room, or even a mirror site --fanta$$y feeder- so everybody can get what they want? It would solve the issue people have with soliciting in the general chat, keep traffic on this site, and maybe generate a royalty for the site. In addition, people would go into said room or site knowing what to expect, thereby alleviating the anger over spending or not getting money (or anything in return for your money, which seems to be a common complaint as well).
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

It was a 4 but I have put on weight easily and I have already become a 5.
A dream will be to become a 7 getting in my car tight with my belly touching the wheel, driving with difficulty to buy more fast food 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟

Hmm.,..I say you're barely a four, but it will be fun to watch you balloon to a seven. 😍
3 years

Can't see the scale

Congratulations! Use your phone or a mirror if you can't find help.
3 years

Single or double belly?

I have a double, but wish I had a big single ball. As for my partner I don't really have a preference
3 years

Eating for free at restaurants.

I haven't done the "eat this whole meal free" thing, but I do sign up for every birthday club I can find that gives you a free food item 😁
3 years

Husband wants to gain weight

I can't tell you what he's thinking, obviously, but maybe giving my perspective as a gainer can give you some insight. I love my changing body. Seeing growth and where it lands is exciting and interesting. My belly is so cuddly, I love holding it and playing with it. I love feeling the weight of it and how it jiggles. I also find I am getting more comfortable I my body and self image as I this is who I really am as opposed to what people/society expect.
3 years

Should i document myself "ruining" my body?

Don't call it "ruining".

Thank you! Big is beautiful...I hate when people use words like ruin or destroy.
3 years

Flaunting belly

seeing how family I haven't seen in 9 months react to me.

9 months - maybe they'll think its another kind of growth at first 😜

A virgin birth? Well....tis the season! 😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
3 years