Slowing metabolism

How can I slow down my metabolism?

1. Increase your body fat. The more body fat you have, the less calories you burn

2. Decrease your muscles by becoming sedentary. Smaller muscles burns less calories than bigger muscles

3. Stay up late. Lack of sleep increases cortisol (stress hormone)levels up

4. High fat, high carb diet. Carbs spike your insulin levels up which can cause bloating. Be careful cause carbs turns into sugar which can cause diabetes

5. Go to Fitness Pal and type in your current activity level, which should be none. Then select how many pounds a week you want to gain. From there, multiply that number by 1.1 every four weeks so you put on the weight slowly cause you don’t jeopardize your health.
3 years

Personal trainer fantasy

Not going to lie,

I HATE when I get a BBW client cause:

1. It’s against the company policy to date the gym members

2. I don’t want to help them “lose their stomach”. I want them to KEEP it. Hell I wanna help them make it bigger. Lool
3 years

Genuine question: messages

In my personal experiences:

1. Yes women do that. Contrary to popular belief, women do and say the very things men that they claim they hate for men to do and say to them when they find the man attractive.

2. As long as you don’t send dick pics or say something really weird or offensive, it really doesn’t matter what you say. If she likes you, she likes you. Obviously, use common sense, but There is no right or wrong thing to say.

As for number 1, yea, women can be pretty bad. I have seen some behaviors at strip shows that have made me cringe.

And as a woman, I can agree with number 2. If I find someone attractive and feel like pursuing a conversation, I will send a message. Many times there will be no response, and that's fine. I have done the same thing when getting messages. It is so easy when online to just "delete" something you're not interested in and move on.

Oh yeah, I’m not even a stripper. But I am a bodybuilder and have had my fair share of being touched inappropriately and inappropriate remarks.

And yeah, it always comes down to attraction
3 years

Genuine question: messages

In my personal experiences:

1. Yes women do that. Contrary to popular belief, women do and say the very things men that they claim they hate for men to do and say to them when they find the man attractive.

2. As long as you don’t send dick pics or say something really weird or offensive, it really doesn’t matter what you say. If she likes you, she likes you. Obviously, use common sense, but There is no right or wrong thing to say.

On point 1- I wonder if women have the same intentions and motivations when sending these types of messages tho…? I will send a man a message if I like their vibe… because I do think men deserve more positive feedback my intention isn’t just reeling him in… but I’d never send a more lewd message without asking permission to do so…

(Have definitely had lewd thoughts about people from this site and messaged them and asked their permission before sharing what they actually were)

I really like and prefer initiating conversation but usually in order to do so a profile needs to be fleshed out, there needs to be evidence of authentic community interaction or else I have nothing to work with. I want to know people’s thoughts and feelings before messaging them.

Point 2- I’d agree but only to a degree. My inbox gets SO repetitive. And I can usually tell when messages are just copy pasted and probably sent to an untold number of people… that’s not flattering at all.

I think if men focused on quality over quantity we’d all be happier.

If you just want to tell me I’m hot, just comment on a picture, sending it in a message feels like you’re hiding the interaction and/or have expectations of more interaction but literally gave me nothing to work with. It’s honestly really annoying especially with the message limitations on this site. I honestly block repeat offenders.

And there’s a balance for men of not going overboard and putting too much energy into sending the first few messages until interest has been clearly reciprocated…

Sometimes I get long diatribes and I’m not interested for whatever reason… which is totally valid, nobody is entitled to my interest no matter how long a message they send…

And people talking about women who are just here for the $$… those profiles are so totally obvious are they not? And if women wanting $$ is so awful then why do I have guys constantly approaching me and their first offer is about $$? But yeah if we interact and then you mention that you would love to see me specifically do X, Y or Z… yes I’m going to expect you to contribute in some way to making X, Y, or Z happen. That’s just fucking fair, otherwise just appreciate me doing what comes naturally for *me* and don’t make specific requests.

Again, quality over quantity… look for profiles of women that are obviously interested in this fetish and not just about making content… do you know how to distinguish between the two?

Also if you want more women to be present make it a safe and welcoming place for them… y’all fail at that pretty damn hard. Js.

Ok rant over. ✌🏼[/quote]

Ok, Not sure if all of what you wrote pertained to me but:

1. Yes they have the same intentions as men do!! Women like to fuck just like men do lol IDK why women are so shocked that other women like that exist. Lol

Just because that isn’t your intention or that you ask permission first, doesn’t mean other do. Lol

2. It’s repetitive cause you’re REALLY NOT attracted to the dudes in your inbox, let’s keep a buck. Lol. If a handsome guy who was just your type physically(whatever that may be) was to inbox you “hello” or “hi” you would reply back. Stop the cap LOL

Now on to this quality over quantity bit.
Every chick thinks their quality, but that were true, every chick would be married which isn’t the case.

You can’t know who’s quality until you’ve had a conversation with everyone in order to narrow down the best option for you. What happens if you put all you eggs in one basket and that basket falls? Exactly

And yeah, a guy sliding in your dms and paying for personalized pics or vids is absolutely fair. That’s not the problem. The problem is when women on her assume that because we men are on this site, that we’re desperate for interaction and are willing to be tricks to do so. And no, those accounts are not obvious. I had a chick slide in my dm FIRST, gave me her Kik, told me she’s looking for a feeder, I said coo. Then hits me with send me $50 so can buy her favorite snacks! Like what the fuck was that??!! Idk what the hell y’all think this is, but that’s not how this works. But then wanna talk about quality over quantity, how are we supposed to know what type of woman is gonna be on what until we have a conversation? I think a lot of chicks in this situation just suffer from a sense of entitlement
3 years