Fat fetish documentry

The way it ended wasn't the best. However, what really came across was the other girls wouldn't take it to the point where they weren't happy with their health and physic.
12 years

Football clubs!!

Can't resist this anymore, FA cup and Champions League.
12 years

Euro 2012

Bubba Jay wrote:
gary1627 wrote:
It seems the appointment of Roy Hodgson as England manager was a good one. That he has the forsight to see that John Terry is necsessary for England to have any hope at all, furthermore he has also selected Andy Carroll. It's taken him time to adjust to playing for Liverpool, but in time hopefully he will take over as No.1 choice as Englands main striker, he has loads of presence and the opposing sides will find him much harder to control than strikers like Rooney etc. Maybe we do have a chance after all.

Unless a mirical happens like 2004 and 92...England are screwed
I certainly don't think England are going to win. My money will probably be on Germany as they offer better value than Spain. However, I do like Roy Hodgson's choices and whilst I don't think he's a great club manager, he may be at his best at national level. Furthermore there is hardly an Englishman alive who thinks we have much chance, this will help, as there is no pressure on us to perform well.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Roughly what I expected. Fairly balanced and Kit came across very well. I do understand that there could have been more about the everyday person, but unless there was going to be a series on this subject, I don't see where they would have the time. That is the problem with one off documentaries, as such, it's really hard to know what the general public would have thought of this program. However, to any budding feedees, or big women in general it could be seen as a fair documentary.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Well we haven't seen it yet, so it's impossible to give judgement now. However, looking at Kit's vlog it's possible that this could be better than the negative comments and fears have suggested.

I know that "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" has mixed opinions amongst the Gypsy/Traveller community around where I live. On the whole most found it a bit cheesy to begin with, but warmed to it a bit after a while. As essentailly it is a fair dipiction of their lives. If the same respect is given to the this documentary then I feel there wouldn't be too much to worry about.
12 years

Euro 2012

It seems the appointment of Roy Hodgson as England manager was a good one. That he has the forsight to see that John Terry is necsessary for England to have any hope at all, furthermore he has also selected Andy Carroll. It's taken him time to adjust to playing for Liverpool, but in time hopefully he will take over as No.1 choice as Englands main striker, he has loads of presence and the opposing sides will find him much harder to control than strikers like Rooney etc. Maybe we do have a chance after all.
12 years

Do bbw's cuddle better?

Bloody obvious if you ask me.
12 years