So what games are you playing?

I'm working on a Legend of Zelda fan series that we want to debut in the 2014 ComicCon season, starting here in Philly.

But, that leads into the fact that I've been playing random parts of 7 different Zelda games, non-stop it feels, for the past two weeks.

I've taken a few breaks from that to play Super Mario Bros. 3 (I love the leaf!!!)

I also seem to always be playing Trivial Pursuit-SNL Edition.
11 years

Ignoring ims

Honestly, I like to chat up other people. I'm not single so it's in no way an attempt to 'hook up' 'cyber' or inappropriately cam.

But at the same time, I have a lot of people I already know and can talk to. Why do I give a rats ass if I'm ignored?

I'll reply to just about any message, email, IM etc... But if you choose to ignore mine, I really don't sweat it. You are either busy, or based on my profile pic you already don't like me. That means you are extremely shallow and I'm glad you didn't reply.

Either way, any guys still around the site to see this that were complaining years ago:

Get the sand from your ***, wipe away the tears, get out of your house and interact face to face with people for a change. It's great that the internet can connect so many different people from so many different areas of the globe. But obviously it can't be the only way to make a friend. It's NOT the only way.

If I do actually message someone from here, I always include my FF screen name so they can see my profile, if they really want, and form an opinion of "No thanks" or "I can at least see what this guy's about"

Either way, I don't care because I have IRL friends that I will go out and have fun with. The sun will only kill Vampires.

I think that was a bit rant like, and I'm not sorry. But face it, Fantasy Feeder is 10% beautiful women of all sizes and 85% men checking them out. The other 5% are guys that gain, or think they are just looking for friends. So you really CANNOT BLAME THE WOMEN!

If someone like FoxGlove gets 100 messages or IMs in a month, she's probably fairly certain that 90 of them will just be someone wanting to see nude photos and belly rubs on ***.
Playing the odds, she's better off not answering any of them unless they garner a true interest out of her. (Sorry to pull you in FoxGlove lol)

Oh and the whole "Hey, How are you?" is a ***ing cop-out.
'Oh I'm being polite!!'

No, you're being boring and deserve to be ignored by a multitude of women who CLEARLY don't want boring.

Ok....I think that's my piece....for now.

(And if you are wondering why this entire post feels like it only refers to men messaging women: Because it is. Men are the only ones to complain about this. Hell, years ago I did too, till I got a grip on the happiness of my life)
11 years

Your biggest gain in a week?

Moira wrote:
I'm right at the end of a week where I wanted to see how much I could gain! Had a family reunion Sunday, and ate a LOT there, so I decided this was the week. I tried to stuff every single day and in addition stay full the whole week. I didn't want to stuff too much, so I wouldn't get sick of it, so these aren't my biggest stuffings but they were the most consistent.

Sunday was about 3 platefuls of reunion type food (fruit, pasta salads, 4 hot dogs...).

Monday was actually normal - regular meals.

Tuesday I did breakfast and lunch, and then for stuffing I ate a large pizza, three XXL burritos, and a 2 liter of soda.

Wednesday was normal breakfast and lunch, then I stuffed with 3 large chicken breasts, 3 plums, 2 large glasses of milk, 1 liter of soda, and then 7 bananas. (I had 9 but I did have to stop that one)

Thursday was normal morning, and on the way home from work I stopped at a few fast food places: from Burger King, a Whopper with cheese, double stacker, and rodeo burger; from Arbys a beef and cheddar and 6 mozzarella sticks; and from McDonalds 2 McDoubles and 2 large sodas. That one I kept going through the night - every time I felt I could stuff more in I did. Mashed potatos, milk and steamed vegetables.

Today was smaller - normal breakfast, then lunch/stuff was 2 Jimmy John's subs, large JJ soda, 20 doughnut holes, and a chugged 2 liter of soda. Dinner was pancakes and sausage.

Tomorrow I have a cousin's graduation party, but this family I don't like to eat a lot in front of, so I weighed myself today, and....

Starting weight - 354.

Today's weight - 368.

YES!! 14 lbs in 6 days! Go me!

Amazing work! No need to slow down! haha smiley
11 years

Favorite piece of clothing?

Blondagefairy wrote:
Mario Tee shirt >.> hes my one true love

Mine too, probably for different reasons. maybe not since you're a gamer.

My favorite piece of clothing used to be my Ninja Turtles shirt, but it doesn't fit anymore... So I'll have to go with my blue (camo like) cargo shorts. They have room to fill.
11 years


Don't use it very much, but I've been known to hop on every now and again
11 years

Your biggest gain in a week?

Well, when I first thought I'd give gaining a try, I was working at a Krispy Kreme. I was overnight and most nights the only employee in the building. So I got to eat and eat and I didn't give up or stop!

I'd have 3-4 dozen over a shift then triple fill glazed doughnuts with that highly fattening kreme they have and stuff them when I got home three times that week.

Couple that with McDonald's being two blocks away.... I ended up going from 270 to 287 in only 9 days. That was an amazing week that I wouldn't mind duplicating!
11 years

Belly hang

I'm 6'2" 380lbs and while it hangs a little while standing, it hardly hangs/sits into my lap when sitting.

I appear to have a long ways to go before I have a belly instead of a lap! lol

So it just happens. It's all how your body holds it/takes it.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

^Has the Muppets as his FF background. This clearly makes him a great man with great taste!

(I've always been a muppet fan since I was a kid lol)
11 years

Feeding celeb crush fantasies?

Amy Lee from Evanescence. She can worship my belly ANY time! smiley lol

Oh, and Emily Deschanel...preferably as her 'Bones' character. There's just something about a sexy nerdy genius.

They can feed me anytime
11 years

Your other interests?

writing scripts and producing my web-series.

I'd tell you more about it, but I don't want the thread to be deleted nor to be bitched at by a mod via private message.... O.o
11 years