The switch

Absolutely. For years I denied my fetish, convinced that nobody would ever want me if I was fat and that my life would be better if I was thin. So I dieted way down, but I was miserable. Always hungry and disgusted at how much better strangers treated me. Losing a large amount of weight reveals just how shallow most people are.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I craved the feeling of a full belly. And around that time I discovered feedism and the FA community. I could have both food and a romantic partner! So I decided to embrace my fat. I ate what I wanted and slowly packed on the pounds.

Later I tried being a feedee and liked it. Same with mutual feeding, as long as my partner wants to stay smaller than me. Now I am 354 lbs and loving it!

Love reading your explanation and I for one am so happy for you. I went through a similar experience 20+ years ago. I love to eat and have been naturally attracted to fat women ever since I can remember. I went through numerous diets, weight going up and down, and I finally said enough. I decided in my mid-30s to eat what I want, when I wanted and let nature take its course. I was so happy I did and slowly and steadily gained 130 lbs. over a 10 year period. After reaching 305 lbs. I have leveled off around 280 which seems to be my natural set point and love living a life of delicious food, a full belly and being a BHM.
5 years

Rising obesity rates

I love reading about how Americans keep growing fatter and how obesity rates keep increasing. I am seeing so many attractive women now who are over 300 lbs. it is amazing. Going to restaurants, food courts, etc. and seeing so many women of all ages stuffing themselves and growing ever fatter is such a turn-on for me.
5 years

Crushes on fat strangers

Curious 2:
Which donut shop, Dunkins?

Looking at someone attractive while married =/= cheating

Nerdy girl:
Nothing wrong with looking. God gave us eyes for a reason. It's the acting upon it that would be cheating lol

This ^

Even my wife points out fat women with large breasts to me if we are walking in town "I bet you spotted her didn't you over there" and I'll reply "I didn't actually but thanks for pointing her out" lol, it's all window shopping and I'd be shocked if my wife didn't look at other men.[/quote]

Could not agree more. I am married and faithful to my wife but one of the joys of life is being able to admire beautiful women you find appealing. I just love being in places where there are numerous fat women, such as food courts in malls, museums, busy fast food restaurants at lunch, etc. Being able to admire fat women wherever you find them is just delightful and makes life worth living.
5 years

Extreme but independent obesity?

Yeah, this is my goal. To get as fat as I can while not suffering major health issues and still being able to do what I want without assistance. Putting my shoes on, bathing, cleaning the house, waddling around a zoo or museum, doing some simple yoga, catching the cat to take him to the vet. I'm fine with having to stop and rest periodically though.

I am with Sweetfattie. I would love to get as fat as possible without the health side effects. It would be wonderful in my mind if I could gain another 120 lbs. pounds and get to 400 lbs, and still be able to walk far, not get out of breath, and have knees that don't hurt or deteriorate. But alas I have those health issues now so I have to stay at my current weight of 280 as I age or I will lose my ability to enjoy life.
5 years

How is your fat spread?

All of my soft fat is on my chest and belly. My butt has grown as well but it is still muscular and firm. I have very large soft breasts or moobs and a big 60" hanging belly. I really wish I could gain more in my butt and legs as it would be more in proportion and a bigger softer butt would be so much nicer to sit on.

Finally Fat:
Hi BFA. How is your wife doing around your fattening? She eating more too?

My wife is eating much more along with me becoming so blubbery as I cook for us.

I used to be "her Fabio".

Now I'm her "Flabbio!" My hips and ass are rolling in fat these days. So much dairy!

I can eat much more cream without stomach distress since beginning to take Lactaid before mass dairy feeds. Been doing it a month. Adding the correct enzymes to your stomach makes it process/digest the fats more completely thus I'm not wasting the fats which used to go right through me.

If you are a dairy fattener, (and the fastest gainers are cream gluttons) then using Lactaid is gonna make you fat, fast!

Even though my wife is not into gaining, she is eating more with me and slowly and surely growing fatter which I love. Nice to know your wife is becoming blubbery along with you. There is nothing better in my mind than a mutual gaining relationship where you and your wife grow fatter together and revel in how fat each of you are getting. You are living the FA dream.
5 years

How is your fat spread?

All of my soft fat is on my chest and belly. My butt has grown as well but it is still muscular and firm. I have very large soft breasts or moobs and a big 60" hanging belly. I really wish I could gain more in my butt and legs as it would be more in proportion and a bigger softer butt would be so much nicer to sit on.
5 years

Weight gain around xmas

I love just letting myself go between Thanksgiving and New Years and overindulging in all the treats, cookies, cakes, and egg nog there is to offer. I usually gain around 10 lbs. which I enjoy. The treats at the office, at friends and relatives houses, and at parties are all so wonderful, I just love to totally let go and enjoy gluttony at its best.
5 years

Weightgain constantly, but slowly

Any suggestions for the above subject?

Thanks and a nice weekend.

I think gaining weight slowly and constantly is the healthiest way to gain. I gave up dieting and decided I was going to enjoy all the food the world has to offer and eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I slowly and steadily put on 130 lbs. over a 12 year period going from 175 lbs. to 305 lbs., settling in now at 285 lbs which has been a constant for me. Gaining slowly allows your body to adjust to the additional weight more easily and actually is a very pleasent way to live.
5 years

Should i become chubby

Getting chubby:
Hi starting to gain 7 lbs so far 3 since thanksgiving pumpkin pie and many eggnogs help up to 164

Keep it up. It sounds like she would appreciate it if you gained some weight and enjoyed food with her as much as she does. I would keep gaining up to 20 or 30 lbs. more and see how it feels. You would still be under 200 lbs. which is not really fat at all. And you could see what her reaction is to your gain. I would wager it would be positive and then you can make a decision from there whether or not you want to gain more.
5 years

Exotic feederism fantasies

My fantasy is to be a king with a court of 4 to 6 beautiful women. I challenge them to a contest to see who can gain the most weight in a single year with the winner becoming my wife and queen. Each month my female court is weighed and measured in front of me and then treated to a lavish feast which I participate in as well. After a year, I award the fattest member of my court with marriage and the crown.

After marriage, our now fattened female servants turn the tables on us. My Queen and I spend the rest of our reign being fed and fattened, living a life of pure gluttony and sex, with our servants participating in food fueled orgies on a regular basis. It is truly good to be the king!
5 years