Wg experiment 10kg in 5days

Wow, that is a true fat bomb! How much is the drink? I don't see any way to see the price or even order it.
9 years

Stretch marks?

I'm new to them, I just got the very first ones myself.

What have your experiences been with your stretch marks?

1. When did you get your first ones?
2. Where did you get them?
3. Did they hurt or cause another feeling?
4. Did it enable your belly to grow more, or fat to hang more?
5. Does the skin shrink again or once stretched, stay at that size?
6. Is it exciting for you to get them or to cause them in a feedee?
7. How about things that made them stronger? I feel in my case a belt and sitting made them grow a lot, how is/was that for you?
9 years

New female feeder magazine!

Butter on a pop tart wrote:

If it was something like that Feedist site that was around about a year or so ago, then I could understand some concern.

Yes, and this magazine will help the whole community to become larger and more accepted. And it will replace some sites that have folded and died. Sadly, the field of feedism / feederism is littered with dead sites that once were great but eventually died. The definition of forever seems to vary, depending how old a person is: For some people forever means "3 years".
So I always laugh when I read "free and will stay free forever"
9 years

New female feeder magazine!

AnimalNoises wrote:
I should clarify that I don't at all want this magazine to take away from this community. In fact, I want it to be a part of the Fantasy Feeder community because that's what FF is all about!

Oh don't worry, the community has to grow a lot more. Most people are DEEEEEP in the closet, women and men, feeders and feedees. This magazine will not take away, but grow the community, as a lot more women will feel the courage through the example of the woman that did the magazine to stand by their desire for fatter men and fattening them up.

I had some conversations with some female feeders and it is totally understandable that they are afraid to out themselves:
One women told me that she doesn't want her boyfriend or her friends calling her crazy. And many men have terrible issues with their weight and very low self esteem (non feedees I mean of course) and I have heard from female feeders that they often think they play a joke on them and that they can't possibly want somebody fat, much less fattening them up more.

So this will help, especially because it was made by a female feeder, a woman that seems very capable and intelligent, knowing what she wants.
She will be a great role model.

When she announced the magazine to me, I told her immediately that it would be a huge success. Why? Well, because nobody else has ever done anything like it.
Many men think that female feeders are a myth, an unicorn. And they are not, they are just not as vocal and loud about being feeders.

(the fact that I have constantly gained in the last 4 years is directly related to meeting these "unicorns" ;-)
9 years

Vegetarian gain

I used and use a lot of olive oil and like that a lot more than animal fats or cheap vegetable oils like canola (which is GMO most of the time anyway).

I love the taste of olives and olive oil and probably most of the 40 kg (88 pounds) I have gained came from Olive oil.
9 years

Judgement from family at xmas?

Yeah, that is funny: I have heard very few direct comments, because everybody is so incredible polite (reminds me of that scene in Fight Club when they are instructed to offend and annoy people and they just try so hard to be polite). But I can tell that with friends and family alike everybody is constantly thinking about it, and wish to say something, but then decide against it.
When they finally say something, it is so indirect and harmless. If they only knew that it is all on purpose, that I'm fully aware of what is going on and chose it willingly.

I think most people are obsessed with food and fat, they love the first and are scared to death of the second (non feedees I mean), because fat has such a huge social stigma. I had a feeling last time at the doctor, that she had notice that I had fattened up and probably was struggling with it herself. Was one part of her wondering if it is contagious, like the obesity epidemy everybody is talking about? ;-) *LOL*
It is just funny to me. Especially when watching TV, you see all these cooking shows, it is outright insane how many there are by now and everybody is obsessed to cook the most delicious food, BUT, behold, you must never taste it or heaven forbid, EAT IT, because that will make you fat.

Pushing you to like something, advertising it, but then being punished and bedeviled if you do actually like and enjoy it?
The best definition of insanity if I ever saw one ;-)

I just wish I could tell people in my family: "Oh no, that is no accident, I gained on purpse. I will actually get quite a lot fatter still, I won't look as thin as I do now pretty soon"

But it is just a waste of time, they will never get it and while having zero positive effect, it will only seed adversity and concern.

I my experience is has been easier and better to tell friends that are not too close, because you can chose who that is, with family you are stuck forever and there is no undo (unlearn) button.
Also, for some people family have a huge and powerful influence over them that they cannot escape. And the doubter that constantly fights weight gain has just gotten several advocates in the family outside.
9 years

Boost vhc

Hmm, that sounds very interesting.
Too bad it is so very expensive. I wonder if one could reverse engineer it ;-)
Does it have High Fructose Corn Syrup? I was analyzing Ensure some time ago and additional to be pretty expensive, it made you fight the HFCS and GMO Monster, so I avoided it.
9 years

Wg experiment 10kg in 5days

I experimented with that too and I gained 10 kg in one month, with a feeder. And for me it has always been that after I overeat so much, I get sick of food and am not hungry at all anymore.
Also, I can attest that most of the fat goes through undigested. What a wonder that would be if there was a way to gain 1 to 2 kg per day.

I wonder if there are people that gain extremely easy that can grow this fast. I don't think I can, at least not now with my 122 kg, but maybe when I'm fatter, as the existing fat might do something to the speed of how you gain.

The the weight stick after all, how much did you gain?
How fat do you want to get?

Are you still afraid of it? I noticed for some strange reason, at least for me, I usually gain best when I don't want it, when I start stuffing and force myself to gain, then it does not work so well. But when I feel, OK, now I want to take a break and not gain, then it seems that that encourages fattening a big deal ;-)
9 years

Fattening in films

It has been a dream for me for so long and I hope I can realize it. It would only work though if the woman would not act the fattening up, if that were real. So I would focus more on the part of her being a feedee and ready to gain this much (and wanting it herself / doing it anyway) than her being a good actress. In essence, if you have somebody that is what the person in a film is, you don't need acting, they could just be themselves.

As todate, I had about 4 applications so far, over many years, so finding somebody that is a feedee AND a great actress will be impossible to find.
9 years