Switching roles

I can't switch. I can't seem to not feel like a dom letting my girl "dominate" me (if that makes sense). Like I could get out of it at any time or something like that.
12 years

Favorite candies

What's your favorite candy or candies?

Myself I love love LOVE dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate the better. Followed by Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (especially the Big Cups), and lastly Runts.
12 years

Secret fa's

I was kinda like this and still am with some people. They really aren't in my life a bunch so I don't see the need to tell them. Plus I'm still kind of exploring what I like about Feederism. Additionally, as I've said in other posts, I didn't really get into weight gain and Feederism until I was about 18ish. Before then I was more into breast and booty expansion opposed to total body weight gain.smiley

That being said, I have good deal of my friends and family know that I like curvy, thick and fat women.
12 years

Tlc obese show.

First of all for the weight lose shows, if someone wants to lose weight I'm cool with that. I'll even help them do it. I don't mind at all. If you aren't comfortable in your own skin, things are just no fun.

Additionally, I think that from a business standpoint it makes a great deal of sense to cash in on this while you can. Considering that this country (the USA) is the fattest country in the world and we are extremely conscious about it. Use fat-phobia to generate profit for you and your sponsor, which are drug and supplement companies, gym chains, perhaps chefs and their restraunts. Also it generates willing volunteers and creates it's own circle of profit. Sit-down in front of the tube and watch fat people work out and all that. You'll either be inspired to work out (most likely the thinner viewers), or you'll be more likely to eat and watch what's going on and enjoy the show, while getting all the fatter.

However, for those of us who are comfortable in our own skin, they should back the hell up. Like BoldBeauty said there is no need for the fat shaming and whatnot that takes place on some of these shows. Why do it there? Don't fat people and FAs get ridiculed enough as it is? It especially grinds my gears when beauties like Kat Dennings, Christina Hendricks, Adele and Elizabeth Taylor are called "fat." That's just stupid society mumbo jumbo crap there. Just because your flat as a board or giant rockhard muscle mountain of a body is getting you less attention than a woman or man with curves who actually enjoys eating you wish hurt upon them? smiley Come my then and I'll show you why I'm The Demolition Man.smiley Let people be how they want to be. So they have some curves and fat...ummm...you're supposed to. Countless models die because of having no body fat, and believe it or not it's why the Great Bruce Lee died in my opinion. And he was probably more fit than half the goobs telling people to lose weight.

Well there's my piece. Have a good day all. I have to get to class.

The Demolition Man
12 years

Odd reasons for being dumped

@ BoldBeauty

Cool cool. That's a bit of change but you should do what you love. Any particular emphasis in chemistry? Best part about chemistry, is blowing things up...I mean causing intense combustion reactions. Hehehe...smiley I guess people know where my name comes from now. LOL

I've taken a liking to math and science once again with my endeavors into Environmental Engineering, but I feel that I may be changing my mind again and trying a different path. Something more athletically based like Nutrition and/or fitness specialist.

MS is not easy to deal with. I have friend of the family that had that and has since passed. It was not and is not fun. The human body is a fascinating and amazing thing to me, even with all of its unique quarks and oddities. The human body has shown me that control has a very different meaning. I wonder how eye-opening it is for a person to try and control someone else when they can't even control their breathing. I'm sure you are already well aware of this though.Best of luck with your MS and school.smiley

The Demolition Man
12 years

When did you find out?

phatnhapi wrote:
TheDemolitionMann wrote:
I always like curvier women, well ever since I saw Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. But I didn't realize I was a FA until my one friend asked me when I was 16, what I liked in women. I told her I liked breasts, booty and legs as big and thick as possible. Basically an extreme hourglass figure. She said to me, "Well you know that wouldn't work right. Because the bigger they get they will have some belly." I thought about it for a moment and then replied, "That's fine."

After that I went from breast and booty expansion to total body weight gain and expansion. I eventually grew to enjoy women of all sorts of curves and weights. As for where my feeding fetish and some of my dom/humiliation stuff, I haven't a clue.smiley

The Demolition Man

Very nice you came to that conclusion Demolition Man.... that you liked your women fat everywhere. Not personally into the dom/hum thing but the weight gain thing .. oh yea ... lol

Yeah, I eventually got there. I still love some large breasts on a lady as well as a big booty and thick legs. But a sexy belly and cute round face are great in my opinion as well. There have been times that I have been attracted to petite women that have lots of curves and really work them though.

But typically, I like the softness everywhere. Makes one of the reasons why I use my username easier to do. LOLsmiley

I haven't a clue where the domination aspect came from either. Never really was my thing until about a year ago. I try to have a relationship of equality with a woman. That's how I believe it should be in my opinion. But dominating, stuffing and maybe a touch of humiliation, I haven't a clue as to where that came from. I will say that my partner has to be into it and enjoy it for me to do it.

The Demolition Man
12 years

You like cooking shows?

I like Iron Chef, Chopped, Throwdown, Restruant Impossible, Man v Food, and occasionally Cake Boss. Oh and Triple D; Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm one. I think I'm more of hybrid creature myself. A nerdy athlete. I'm very content to sit down for hours like I did today and find play video games, like Skyrim and Mass Effect and then watch a Walking Dead marathon only to realize that I have to do my chemistry and physics homework. But then only just finish those because research on how to make my Magic decks better is very important.

However, I'm just as content to go through a two hour long intensive workout, jamming to AC/DC and Joe Satriani, and then go bowling (in a league) later that night. Only to wake up and play some football with my mates and/or spar with them in various martial arts. Then meditate and maybe write a little bit, see about taking up an instrument or learning another language.

So I'm not quite sure if I'm a nerd or not.
12 years


I guess I'm weird. I don't really read a lot of the popular ones. I kinda got bored of Naruto. And I'm really tired of waiting for Bleach to continue.

That aside, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is one that I check regularly. Ruroni Kenshin will always be my favorite and closely behind it in second place the infamous and sadistically awesome Alucard (who would eat Edward and Jacob in a heartbeat, sorry ladies you know it's true). Freezing is an interesting one as well that I check up on now and again. I do like both of the Prince of Tennis mangas. They are cool and funny, as well as, Black Butler. Fist of the Blue Sky has my attention now and then on to Fist of the North Star for me. They look to be modeled after the martial art Dim Mak with is pretty cool to me.

In case you hadn't noticed, I like fighting mangas. LOLsmiley
12 years