For those of you who became overweight as an adult, how did you adjust to your body's new size?

I've always had somewhat of a belly growing up. In my mid 30's my metabolism slowed down to the point where I could no longer eat what I wanted without becoming overweight. I was initially embarrassed but soon came to an acceptance of my new tendencies. Once I became self conscience, I decided to lose twenty pounds. It is coming back and I'm thinking of setting a 25 pound limit. If I gain anymore, I will cut back.
Have any of you experienced the same concern?
5 years

Ways that you have brought up the subject of being fat with others.

How have you brought up the subject of size or being fat with others in order to hear their inclinations on it? For example, when I was much younger, I once asked a young lady who I considered to be the prettiest in the class who she thought to be the fattest person in the class. She looked at me and said" You". I was flabbergasted and embarrassed. Back then, I wasn't fat. I may have had a slightly protruding stomach. I, to this day don't know if she was just joking. I think that those of us with an interest in size contrast have often attempted to discretely discuss related subjects with people who attract us.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have a relative that is a long distance truck driver....started out when he was 24....probably 34 now and 150 + lbs. later.

I see long distant truck drivers that have some of the hugest guts for men that still do a little bit of walking around.

For women I would say telemarketers or the sort. Women that stay in these sort of jobs blow up to some large proportions.
I knew a young lady who worked as a receptionist at a local telemarketing agency initially average in size. After several months of always having junk food at her desk she became large. Another receptionist had said that she could not believe how this young woman could just keep eating junk food all day. According to her, everytime that she would look over at her, she was eating some kind of pastry.
5 years

Submissive gainer

I started fattening up my bf a little while ago. Things are proceeding well, but the little Butterball has become rather submissive as he has gained. Has anyone else experienced a gainer or gaining accompanied by submissive feelings?
In one view, I see the act of gaining as a form of submiting in general.I'm not as athletic as I used to be.I'm at peace with that as long as there are no health issues
6 years

Making your partner comfortable

The little Butterball and I are off to a Dessert Fest for three days, and I have some questions for gainers. When did you become comfortable with your growing weight, and Feeders, how did you help your partner feel comfortable? Mine has been feeling a little slef-conscious lately, and, though I've told him I find him handsome, he seems to still have doubts. I'm hoping for this to be a romantic week-end, so while I'm being patient, I would like something to say which might help.
At first, I was shocked and then relieved after hearing that I looked better with more weight.
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Yes, a lot of people jokingly comment when I tell them that I used to be a wrestler in high school. When I tell them the weight I used to wrestle at they look at me and say something to the effect of "well it looks like you'd wrestle at heavyweight now". I just laugh and agree with them.
That is when you say " Well aren't you a ray of sunshine and truth"
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Can you remember a time when someone made a comment about your fitness level that enthralled you? Perhaps a comment that alluded to a contrast?
6 years

Related to humilation

I don't understand the attraction of humiliation. I was humiliated as a child for being skinny, for being a nerd, etc. That wasn't a good time for me.
I understand. For some at least, it has to do with seeing humilation as a clear cut indication of submission. Some people believe that in general, we seek out those who we feel out do us in some way.
6 years

Related to humilation

In relation to your size, have you been humiliated in a way that drove you nuts?

Drove me nuts in a good or bad way? 😉
perhaps both
6 years

Related to humilation

In relation to your size, have you been humiliated in a way that drove you nuts?
6 years