Hilarious sex

there was one time quite a while ago when i was getting lickd for the first time. i didnt know that i could squirt... turned out to be a wet suprise for the guy and me feeling really embarrassed.
12 years

Weightgain shakes

zoneman22 wrote:
now what about some 1 who is sensitive to alot of fatty foods? Looks for a high cal low fat content shake. Anything like that?

i know this is an old post but i thought id comment anyway. if fatty drinks are not your thing drink juice or fruit nectar. they are suprisingly high in cals coz of the sugar but very low in fat. or alternativly soda drinks. anything high in sugar really.
12 years


ItalianStallion205 wrote:
FatManDo wrote:
So long as you consume enough calories, there's no reason you can't be fit AND fat. smiley

Elaborate? Lol

i think he means that you can still exercise when you are fat but you will have to make sure you dont burn off all the calories. you will have to compensate by eating extra or else you will lose the weight.
12 years

Terms of endearment

i used to call my ex chicken tender because he liked eating chicken tenders and then because it sounded really cute.

Most of the guys ive been with havnt given me any terms of endearment. i have a frind that calls me pumpkin but thats about it.
12 years

You know you'r a nerd when....

You have noticed the spelling mistake/typo in the heading of this topic.
12 years

Antidepressants &relationships

pinktutu72 wrote:
cutenchubby wrote:
i would say that the antidepressants dont take away how you feel they just give you the head space to deal with the emotions better. im on antidepressants and i know im a lot calmer than i used to be but it doent mean i dont love anyone less. if anything i can express it better without looking like a crazy stalker smiley

I feel this way too. After my divorce I just felt like everyone hated me. I'm on Fluoxetine and it's helped me so much. I feel much happier that I did and more engaged in relationships because I'm happier.

Yeh fluoxetine is what im on too. i agree with what everyone is saying about finding the right drug for you, although ive never changed antidepressants it took about 5 years to get the right dosage and to make sure i did need to be on them for a prolonged period of time. So yeh if you arent happy with your reaction to the meds there are other options smiley
12 years

Antidepressants &relationships

i would say that the antidepressants dont take away how you feel they just give you the head space to deal with the emotions better. im on antidepressants and i know im a lot calmer than i used to be but it doent mean i dont love anyone less. if anything i can express it better without looking like a crazy stalker smiley
12 years

I love this forum section

its brilliant! what could be better than talking about yum food and big bellies with like minded people... perhaps a giant stuffing party.
12 years

Foodee survey...

haha 3. i could diet if i wanted to but i kinda really dont want to smiley
12 years

Clothes shopping for men?

Shelley wrote:
Id always rather they shop for themselves. I noticed you didnt have the option of "female friend goes with male to give advice and opinions", but instead the male was to tag along to give advice and opinions... for his own clothing.

I would never presume to tell someone else what they should or shouldnt wear. But for a friend or partner I will willingly give my honest opinion. However, they are the one wearing the stuff, ultimately its their decision.

This. definately. everyone deserves to have their own style. boyfriends are not fashion accessories for girls however much we may want them to be.
12 years