Real life breast expansion

This sounds like some lame advertising. I fail to see how a certain sound can trigger hormones and cell growth in a womans breasts...
14 years

New pounds

Never though of you as the bragging type...

lol Gratz. smiley
14 years

My boyfriend...

Oh the amount of guys on this site who would kill for someone like you, the world has a wicked sense of humour...

Anyways, work on carbs, breads, pastas, stuff like that. Don't worry about eating during the day but really stuff him silly at dinner. Obviously fast food will probably have a more immediate effect, and can be good to get the ball rolling, but just make sure he has some variety.

lol I feel like i'm talking about how I want to be fattened up here. smiley

Good Luck!

14 years

I got interviewed about feederism for sexis magazine!

Hmm, very cool, I agree with you about the food stuff, it's so irrelevant, that big fat body is the fun part. smiley

One thing I would say though is that they need to get other perspectives, although I do love where you are coming from Molly, there are numerous other views which need to be shown so the world can see how diverse our community really is. smiley
14 years

Ok so who finds this funny/disgusting/demeaning...

bellygal wrote
bellygal wrote
Maximum wrote
bellygal wrote
I've taken this so far off topic, I may as well post some of my favourite Maggie sketches. She is so bigoted you have to love her in a weird way...

The kidney transplant


Love how she spat out the kidney, perfect end! smiley

wow max you are quite the attractive guy. I fecked something up and posted a duplicate or is open source, I'd love to see this implemented on fantasy feeder. (that was SO talking, no clue what he is on about)

Thanks smiley

I don't understand the rest of what you said though lol :$
14 years

Breasts are 90% fat...

Although I dispute the accuracy of the statistic, I do agree that it is odd that, although there is such an anti fat-chic view in general society, there is also such a strong pro breast/butt view which are ironically usually the fattest parts of any chic, big or small...

That crazy real world... :S
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Seems very interesting, if there was one thing I always wanted to do like the show, it was to blast someone with a Hydro Pump/Thunder combo. smiley
14 years

Is television priming us to be fat?

Moobdood wrote
It's all a global conspiracy! The government wants us to be so fat and soft that we can't really move well, then they will turn the country into a dictatorship totalitarian government. Then we wont be able to do anything but play with our soft fat and watch tv as the world goes to hell! :o

Doesn't sound that bad actually... smiley
14 years

I know this is crazy

lol this thread is well titled, you're all crazy smiley
14 years