Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
When was the last time you and your wife got a new bed? Might be time to replace the old one.

Other than that there’s the simple matter of your belly putting strain on your back just how like women have strain on there backs when they have large boobs. Might be worth talking to a dr or something

Side sleeping when you have unique body shapes is always a pain. I've got big boobs and my waist is about 11 inches smaller than my hips. As such, I sleep in a nest of pillows and blankets.

It looks ridiculous, but I can't get good sleep otherwise.

That said, in a pinch, a blanket can provide decent enough support. You just have to manipulate it to support your various contours.
6 months

Most calories per € at mcdonalds (europe)

So McDonalds recently started delivering in my area and I was wondering what food they offer has the most amount of calories per €
In an european context of course as we have stricter food restrictions than in the US when it comes to ingredients

I would recommend looking at their menu online. It should come with calorie counts next to the menu.
6 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

Well, 2024 marks 25 years since I discovered this scene (yes, before this site even existed!).

Quarter of a century...

A lot has happened in that time, people have come and gone, combined weight gain is immense, web models moved on to be replaced by new.

Silll searching for that special lady, not given up hope yet!

I'm curious. How has the scene evolved since you started 25 years ago?
6 months

Keeping capacity while losing weight?

I wonder if keeping your stomach stretched and bloated with like, soda water would work. Zero or low calorie.

If this is a question of how to keep the capacity.

Increasing or maintaining your capacity is a terrible idea if you are trying to lose or maintain weight. It will only increase your hunger and undo your progress.

If you are committed to maintaining or losing weight, you'll have to make your peace with reduced capacity.

Can you keep your stomach constantly stretched with liquid bloats? Yes. But even then, I do not recommend it. It will do a number on your kidneys. This is on top of certain liquids throwing off your electrolytes and other nutrients your body needs from over-hydration.

Any regular bloater will tell you that you have to be mindful of your liquid intake. Doing otherwise can lead to painful leg cramps, blood sugar spikes, water toxicity, and other symptoms, depending on the liquid you're bloating with.

Isotonic water is pretty safe right? If you measure the salt correctly?

To be immensly clear, I am talking about drinking unreasonably large amounts of fluid. This has nothing to with normal consumption or the occasional bloat.

If you plan on drinking obsurd amounts of any liquid for an extended period of time, you will flush vital nutrients out of your body. Isotonic water is just water with electrolytes. It will prevent you from getting cramps and water intoxication. However, you'll still flush a lot of other things from your body.
6 months

Gaining tips

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to drink heavy whipping cream without feeling nauseous? Also, any good suggestions with flavoring it because the taste is god awful!

If you’ve got a sensitive stomach, a little nausea might be inevitable when drinking cream. However, it helps a lot to start slow - only drink a tiny bit the first time and move up slowly each day. That’s how I’m able to handle it for at least a while despite getting easily nauseous even from normal food. Also, make sure you’ve eaten some real food first - not stuffing yourself (which can be fun before cream if you’re into it, but will definitely make you nauseous) but just giving your stomach something more solid with carbs and fiber to balance out the fat.

As for flavoring, I like to mix it with chocolate milk if I’m feeling lazy, or blend it with ice, frozen fruit, and honey to make a smoothie if I have the time. You can also make some delicious fattening hot cocoa with it. Hiding the nasty taste helps a little with the nausea too.

If you have a sensitive stomach, cooking with cream is probably better than drinking it. It's easier for the body to process than drinking it straight. Using enzymes to break down the lactose and fat can also help.

Either way, heavy cream is best used as a weight gain supplement over anything else.
6 months

Revealing bellies in public

It’s my dream to go to a buffet with a tight ish shirt and stay there until this happens involuntarily

Is it truly involuntary if this is the outcome you want?

6 months

Anywhere else?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’ve heard good things about tumblr but I feel like I’m to old for that stuff

I wouldn't go to Tumblr looking for love.

Tumblr is a place for memes, shitposting, and discourse.
6 months

Anywhere else?

Is fantasy feeder, and feabie the only place you can meet people who want this sort of thing? Dating apps don’t count in my opinion because it’s all just bots pretty much. Tinder would be cool if you could just filter it for big girls. But even then, that doesn’t mean they are into feederism. Also can’t say I would go to Reddit or whatever sorry.

Grommr is a thing if you are gay/bi/pan. And I've heard of some smaller niche sites that aren't very popular. I think your only other option is to join a feedist Discord server. However most of those are invite only.
6 months

Heavy and healthy

To be honest if you go in the range 400-500 pounds you will run into problems one way or the other !
You are far more vulnerable, the world is not made for that weight range.
It’s not just diabetes and heart problems.
The likely hod or getting injured is way increased. Minor operations become a struggle for M.D. with an increased risk of complications!

The range that I think can be reached relatively safe is bmi 40 with out excessive increase of medical problems !

Regarding food and exercise -> def decrease the risk smiley

With „healthy“ food it’s harder to overeat, so if you are some one that‘s having trouble eating you should track the calories and weight !

If you are like I think many people drawn to the fetish you gain weight relatively fast I would advise to just make sure you have calorie dens foods in you Daly’s

I fattened my partner up to about 500 lbs. As much as he loved it, he decided to lose weight for a number of reasons.

One of these reasons is health care gets very difficult after a certain point. He had to get an MRI for something and barely fit in the tube. Yes, open MRIs are a thing, but they are not common. He wad terrified that if he got really sick, he might be too fat for many kinds of life saving medical care.

I'm not saying no one should be 400-500+ lbs. I'm just saying it'a something to keep in mind.7
6 months