Basic's of gaining weight?

Just eat what you like.

As you get used to eating more, you'll find more things you enjoy eating, and you'll be able to eat more at one time.

You can experiment with different things. Bingeing, eating frequently over the course of a day, trying new and fattening things.
12 years

Ssbbw and getting jobs.

There is a lot of discimination out there, unfortunately. Only a few places have fat discrimination laws. MI, DC, and a few cities in CA. It is hard to prove discrimination.

What are you looking for? Certain fields like nursing and teaching tend to hire large people.

Can you get a degree in something where you can sit? Something like accounting?

Retailing jobs are the easiest to get, but they require you to stand all day. Perhaps a call center job.

Or maybe you can marry a rich FA, and not need to work. lol

I wish you luck!
12 years

How to bring up fa with bf

Most people who lose weight regain it, plus more. You may want to remind him, so he does not hate himself. Also, you should not feel bad, because whether you love it or hate it, it is likely he will regain anyway.
12 years

Negative profiles

"Not into feeding" is OK. Or, "not looking to gain on purpose."

But "Creepy feeders don't reply or I'll report you," is negative.
12 years

Fat arms?

This is the nicest thing about fat arms: Before you get intimate with a woman, you can touch her fat arms when you give her a quick hug, or just touch her.

You really can't touch her breasts, belly or butt until you know her well enough to be intimate. Of course being intimate can happen in the first hour, or it may be months.
12 years

Negative profiles

It isn't so much what is said, as much as how it is said.

For example, when someone places an ad and says things like. Liars and cheaters, and creeps need not apply, that does not help. I doubt if too many people consider themselves a liar, a cheater or a creep. And even if they did, they probably feel they can get away with it.

In a way, it makes the poster look like a good target because other people have already fooled the person.

But for the rest of us who read this, all it says is that the poster has a lot a baggage. And when the first tiny thing goes wrong all of his or her past will be thrown at you, and you will blamed for everything that has happened.
12 years

Buffalo and cleveland

Most of the people are not really from there. There must be some big Internet hub there. Some people live in Europe, and it says Buffalo. Best way to find out where people are from, is the ask them.
12 years

Choosing to have no choice.

If you have someone to help and don't mind being bed bound, and sex is all that important, than it might be OK, having it happen, or doing it on purpose.

However, if the person is living alone, and being bedbound would mean no income, no home, and even no food, it could not be fun either on purpose or if it just happens.
12 years

What feeders don't grasp

A relationship needs to be compatible in many ways. However, if a feedee and feeder are not compatible, it will surface anyway. In other words, there are many aspects to two people being a couple. But you don't need to formally discuss it.

For example, If one is a smoker, and the other one hates smoke, you don't need to formally discuss it beforehand. The non-smoker complains, the smoker says s/he will not give it up, and the relationship is over.

Or one person is a devout Christian and the other is an Athiest. Just being together will cause frustation enough to end it.
12 years

Stretch marks

bellylover150 wrote:
How many girls/ boys think stretch marks are attractive?

I think that stretchmarks should be only admired by adults. I definitely would not want children admiring mine.
12 years