How much do you want to gain?

Back when I was actively gaining I really never set a goal weight but I always wanted to be at least 400 lbs.
When I reached 400 it was much different than I imagined it would be.
When I reached 420 I got somewhat scared because things were getting harder to do like walking,climbing stairs and getting in my car and driving.
I had gotten so big I started using the little riding carts at the grocery and Walmart because walking was so tiring.
I decided to lose some weight and am at 340 ish now things are much easier.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

Guts are a start LOL
I looked like a toothpick with an olive stuck on it for a while when I started gaining
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

I totally get that excitement of actually filling out clothes the way you are supposed to.
When I started really gaining weight I was so excited to see my body getting some sexy curves.
I was always so stick thin and had no real curves which was really embarrassing sometimes.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

Buying stretchy stuff is what I did too but once my weight really started to take off I would buy jeans a size or two larger for when I would fit in them.
I didn't like not having jeans that actually fit.
I gave soo many clothes to Goodwill when I got too big for them.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

Never really thought much about stretch marks because I never got any.
People told me I would get them if I gained a lot of weight like some do during a pregnancy.
Over a few years I went from 115 to close to 200 lbs and I never got any stretch marks but did get cellulite here and there.
I wonder if cellulite and stretch marks have some correlation.
At over 400 lbs I still never got stretch marks just more cellulite.
At 340 lbs now still just remaining cellulite.
4 years

Petite woman who loves really fat men

When I was really skinny in high school I was attracted to the fattest guys in school.
I usually had to ask them if they had a girlfriend or if they wanted to go out on a date.
Very seldom did they ask me out first.
4 years

My girlfriend wants to become my feedee but..

You have to put up with a lot of crap to be a feedee and gain weight. This includes crap from friends and family, job discrimination, possible health issues, limiting places you can go and things you can do. Someone who wants to be a feedee will have to want it bad enough to overcome the problems associated with it.

That is very true.
If you just think you want to gain or you have a fantasy about being fat isn't quite enough.
You have to have the will and the drive to actually do it.
4 years

Does stomach full of air increase its capacity?

Never knew that people pumped air into their intestines.
I knew people bloated with soda and mentos or water.

I agree

You agree that she didn't know? smiley

LOL Either way is fine
4 years

Does stomach full of air increase its capacity?

Never knew that people pumped air into their intestines.
I knew people bloated with soda and mentos or water.
4 years