Bad habits!

lol, i'm just going down the list ticking things off...

My lips are pretty sensitive so they chap easily and are prone to cold sores, not fun at all smiley.

I've always got at least one leg vibrating like a dead dog, I do it subconsciously and get yelled at all the time cause it can actually get pretty violent, lol i've rocked entire rows of seats as well as cars i'm in without noticing :$

I started cracking my knuckles when i first got into high school, pretty much a stress thing, it got really bad mid way through were i was just doing it non stop, got past it though, I still do it, but only occasionaly, when i feel "aww crap".

I'm sure there are more, lol i'm OCD about everything really. smiley
14 years

Why is it called grossly or grotesque obese?

Moonchild wrote
XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
while we're on the subject.....I hate the word obese in just sounds like such an unpleasant word. why cant dr's refer to us as pleastly plump or voluptuous even?

"Hello there, Miss GnG, if you'll just step on the scale please. Alright, and let's have a look at your chart here.

"Hmmm... Looks like you've gotten a lot more pleasantly plump since your last checkup. In technical terms, you're now classified as 'medically voluptuous.' If you keep gaining weight, your BMI will cross the threshold into what we call 'damn exhilaratingly voluptuous.'"

I like smiley

Although her name would make a good term too, Gorged and Gorgeous smiley
14 years

Feeder/feedee lingo

AliceInWonderland wrote
Maximum wrote
Layla12 wrote
Maximum wrote
I read this and think of how many chics leave the site cause they are sick of hearing this stuff smiley

No way! Those phrases are definite turn ons! I would love for a man to say things like that to me....

lol, I stand corrected. smiley

P.S. How swamped was your inbox after this? smiley

Wonder how many feedees leave because the men on here are too scared we'll leave to give us what we want.


Still its not easy working out who wants it and who doesn't smiley
14 years

Thunder thighs

Neko Kiera wrote
no matter how small I've been, my thighs and butt are fat hehe

should be that way with all chics imo smiley
14 years

I'd like to express exactly how i feel about the term, "fat admirer."

lol this seems to be the perfect example of the difference between men and women on this site (well most anyway).

Most guys come to find a chic thats fat cause it turns them on, while most girls come to find a guy who doesn't have a problem with them being fat, yet the two don't quite match up...

AliceInWonderland wrote
Hi Nicholas. I like you smiley

Except you of course missy smiley
14 years

Ok so who finds this funny/disgusting/demeaning...

bellygal wrote
I've taken this so far off topic, I may as well post some of my favourite Maggie sketches. She is so bigoted you have to love her in a weird way...

The kidney transplant


Love how she spat out the kidney, perfect end! smiley
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

paradise-girl wrote
I'm pretty much a pokemon master. too bad they aren't real. T_T

I have red, blue, green (yes the japanese thing), yellow, ruby, silver, gold, crystal,diamond, platinum, and heart gold. I also have Hey You Pikachu and Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2..

Nothing can beat my Vaporeon!!!
Current team=
BAM!!! spice that up a notch!

Cool team but your missing a pokemon, also only need to come up against a special wall and your toast smiley
14 years

Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

Xutjja wrote
It's easy to pick on fat people or anyone associated with fat people because it's typically generally excepted fact that if someone is fat it's their own fault. Regardless if that is true or not that is what the general consensus is. Fat people are the new smokers.

Exactly, except for the smokers part, it IS there own fault smiley
14 years