Negative profiles

I wish people would use a positive approach to their profiles. Instead of listing what you don't want, list what you do want. If you don't like something, there is no need to put a string of negative adjectives in front of it.

If you say you only want men, and a woman answers (or vice versa), then politely say you are not interested. If they persist, tell a moderator.

I doubt if insulting a group of people helps limits replies. And it makes the profile writer look bad, even to the people they are interested in.
12 years

What feeders don't grasp

I can see his point very clearly. He is fat all the time. So, it is easy for a feeder to forget about the feeding for a while. But it is impossible for the feedee forget about it.
12 years

Online ettiquette

I agree. Not knowing why is the bad thing. I'm married, and just here to chat. So, it's not like I am looking to meet anyone or make a commitment. I just enjoy conversation.

One woman I chatted with, I chatted with for 8 years. And then suddently she avoids me. She avoids me here, on Dimensions, and on AOL IM.

There may be a lot of good reasons why she no longer wants to chat. She is a foodee who gains, so perhaps she did not want to tell me she wants to lose weight. Or perhaps she decided she no longer wants to chat with a married man. Or maybe I said something and she took it the wrong way.

I really don't mind not chatting with her any more. But not knowing why really bugs me.
12 years

Online ettiquette

SilverRider wrote:
I hear ya, Shoshana. It happens all too much. But whatever you do, DON'T let it make you think its in any way your fault, or anything wrong with you - its just the majority of (male) users of this site tend to be cowards who can't face up to their preferences, either that or they go looking for a girl who'll get her belly out on cam on demand. Sad truth I'm afraid.

I really don't like hearing "all men are..." any more than I like to hear "all fat people are..."

As a male, as I have posted, females have done it to me. It's not a gender thing, it's a people thing.
12 years

Not big enough?

I would not blame it on size.

Lots of people have lots of different preferences.
12 years

Online ettiquette

Don't take it personally. It happens all of the time.

Many times, it was people that I chatted with daily for months. They just disappear.

Perhaps they are fake, and can't take it any further.

Don't give up. Sooner or later, you'll find a nice person to make it all worthwhile.
12 years

Young girl with some questions

You are a feeder, but want to gain weight. Are you sure you are not a feedee?

Most people do not tell too many people. Just their partners. And if their partners aren't into it, you may want to look for someone who is. Or put your desires on hold.
12 years

I told my boyfriend/question

Just say something like "If I eat any more whipped cream, I'll get fat." and see his reaction. If no reaction, tag on, "You wouldn't want that would you." He may say no because he thinks you want to hear that. But the tone of no should be a clue.
12 years

Gaining weight?

BeautifulMe wrote:
Can someone tell me where I'll gain weight.... I mean like where I'll be biggest at? Also what is a double belly because someone told I would have one if I got bigger? Also some tips for a new gainer?

Where you gain is totally genetic. Look at your relatives. If you are thin, but have a little bigger belly, you may gain there. If your butt is larger proportionately, you may gain there.

There is nothing that can change where you gain.
12 years

Need definitions easy to find

I had posted something similar, that we need definitions for new people, and I was told that they are on the site. Something like go to screen number 53 and click 15 times, and they are there.

They need to be easily seen on the home page.

We keep getting statements on new profiles like, "I am a feedee, but I want to lose weight," or "I am a fat appreciator but am interested in fit men only."

People ask someone who claims to be a feedee how much weight they plan to gain, and they get mad and leave the site. Or someone who is a large person chats with someone claiming to be a fat appreciator and gets insulted that they don't like large people.
12 years