4th of july

I think it is the American equivilent of Guy Fawkes day. Lots of fireworks. Also a time for people to enjoy the summer by cooking out. It is the most patriotic holiday of the year.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

gnosis wrote:
i'm confused...what would i want a skinny girlfriend for? smiley

Well, don't put down skinny women. I think the point of the post is about men who refuse to date BBWs even though they prefer them, as opposed to someone who may fall in love with someone who happens to be skinny.
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

Well, at least it is legal. How about people who have fetishes that are illegal?
12 years

Is this normal

As long as you live in her house, you must play by her rules. You are free to live on your own. Do you work? Perhaps she is unhappy that you are doing what you want, and she is supporting you. Perhaps you woke her up leaving to get cigarettes. Perhaps the cigarette smoke in the house bothers her. Or maybe she is unhappy about your leaving things on while you are gone and wasting her electricity.
12 years

Bad things about gf/bf gaining

Not being able to fit in the seats where you want to go. (Such as a concert)
12 years

My boyfriend: fat fetish?

Hopefully after dating him for 2.5 years, you can just come out and ask him. But if not, then make comments and see how he reacts. Tell him you want to be thin, and see what he says. Tell him if you eat any more you'll gain a lot of weight, and see what he says.
12 years

Nice guys finish last

I hate to be honest, but it sounds like the poster is just collecting pitty points. You are supposed to learn from your mistakes to avoid making the same ones. Not see how many of the same mistakes you can collect so you can complain. It also seems that your definition of a nice guy is one who is a door mat.

With as many problems you have with long distance relationships, you need to find someone local. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, if you can't find anyone local, you need to evaluate the problem.
12 years

Looking for a feeder girl

try looking in the personal section.
12 years

Personal problem

It's simple. Do you want a fat girlfriend, or your current girlfriend? Obviously, you can't have both. Decision time.
12 years