English to american

A couple more Aussie terms:

arvo = afternoon
durry = cigarette
durry muncher = cigarette smoker
ranga = redhead
singlet = vest/tank top
mobile phone = cell phone
garbage bin = trash can

Also we just use the word 'prawn' for types of shrimp here in general, and yes, we do barbecue prawns sometimes though we mostly do steak and sausages I've found.
9 years

This or that

Hmm, probably Mint Chocolate Chip.

Rain or snow?
9 years

This or that

The Nostalgia Critic.

Titanic or Avatar?
9 years

Definite underagers banned

piggy lolita, aparoacher03039@gmail.com'>paparoacher03039@gmail.com

about me: I'm some kind of a Lolita...just 17 years old, but I like men that are 25-40 years old. Hope that's okay for everyone. XoXo

Hello! smiley I'm looking for people that are like me.. to be honest, I'm just 17 years old, and I like men between 25 and 40 years. Hope that's okay, please don't judge me too hard :/ And I love being a new since your last visit
piggy lolita, 2 hours ago

9 years

50+ section for us older folks

Is the 40+ chat actually still happening? I thought it died a death years ago...?

It's pretty much over, yeah.
9 years

Msg limit

It resets at a member's personal midnight, I believe.
9 years

Men will love you because of your looks, even if you’re ugly.

So F1 has not got rid of the attractive women on the starting grid? The Sun is not getting rid of the naked women on Page 3?

Well firstly, Page 3 is dead, and it died in late January so... yeah.


As for grid girls, the World Endurance Championship is getting rid of them too so things are changing in the world of racing too.


Saphial admits that some feminists are extremists.

Well it would be folly to avoid pointing out the existence of TERFs (link here) and the grief they give trans people, for example. Many feminists don't consider them to be feminist due to their toxicity however, even if they call themselves feminist.

I say we are in the 3rd wave, where Feminists are actually trying to control women as well as men. OK so they are the minority but they are the politically active. Far from wanting to help men who can't get laid, they like it that way.

It's been better than it ever has been in the 3rd wave actually, less focus on only white people, for example.

Pick Up Artist Juilean Blanc was banned from the UK by feminists.

Ahh, pick up artists. Many of their techniques that they use are just emotional manipulation along with sexual harassment. Not about healthy dating at all. Women aren't some sort of puzzle to be solved and be rewarded with, they're individual human beings with their own likes and dislikes. As for Julien Blanc in particular...


On his website, Pimp My Game, Blanc suggests that men �make threats to hurt [a woman]; make her drop charges; make her do illegal things; threaten to report her to welfare; prevent her from taking a job; take her money and humiliate her�.
His tried and tested pickup lines include: �Get down on your knees, call me master, and beg me to kiss you�. A video apparently shows the 25-year-old grabbing women by the throat in his effort to �seduce� them � and he has already been banned from entering Brazil and Australia to lead seduction seminars, which cost hundreds of dollars to attend.

People really don't want to be defending Julien Blanc. Plus his shirt that he's holding there says in full 'DISS FATTIES BANG HOTTIES' (link here) if you're curious, so we can see his views on fat people clearly. Also, you won't find men's rights folks and redpillers united on PUA's at all. Many of them are very bitter and hateful towards pick up artists and believe them to be frauds and hucksters, having tried their techniques which unsurprisingly don't work.

So why do you put on makeup?

Maybe because she likes makeup? Why do men shave? Some of them like to have beards and moustaches, some don't.

Here is an example of a minority of feminists letting down the rest of the movement;

The man landed a spaceship on a comet and the feminists harangue him over his shirt. The shirt is covered in sexy looking women from the movies, made by a female friend.

Do you support the feminists in this?

If you want to see what they really did, have a look for yourself, tweets right here:


People were allowed to criticize his choice in clothing, and he apologized for it. He wasn't being bullied, you can see it right there. People were unhappy and voicing their criticism. If anything, the reaction to the legitimate criticism was overblown. Here's another article on it here:


And women are equally free to find men attractive or unattractive also, regardless of their looks and/or awful views on women.

This. People can do whatever they want with their bodies and appearance, not be bound to pleasing other people for attraction's sake. Though we can probably all agree with basic hygiene and cleanliness.
9 years

Men will love you because of your looks, even if you’re ugly.

If you are disapproving of the alpha/beta male thing then does that mean you are a feminist?

The alpha/beta thing is based on bad science. We're intelligent human beings, not wolves (primates too, not carnivora), which is what the concept originates from - studying wolves in captivity. If you look at the below link, this guy helped start the concept of the alpha male wolf in the first place, and he comments on how outdated it is.


Feminists are up in arms over men not being women. They seem to hate men. Obviously that's not what their spokes people say but it's what their followers say.

Not true either. I don't deny that some individuals who would call themselves feminists genuinely hate men, but they are much comparatively few in number compared to the total number of feminists in existence. Many male feminists exist too, and they aren't self-loathing. Take Terry Crews for example, who spoke about about it recently:


It's an evil political doctrine to enslave men.

Just the opposite - it includes freeing men too actually. Society puts men in little boxes too. "You're a loser if you don't get laid" "why are you crying, men don't cry" "women don't want to see you cry" "why are you cracking up, men don't crack up, men are strong, you're a pussy, man up" "don't talk about your feelings, hold them in" "don't be sensitive, be tough" "men can't be raped by women" "being bullied? harden up and take it" "you like dancing? only gays and women like that, do sports instead"

Men break and commit suicide over this stuff. Men need feminism too.
9 years

Men will love you because of your looks, even if you’re ugly.

So the feminists are trying to make women less attractive so men will have to love them for who they are, not what they look like.

No they aren't. There's no major modern American feminist movement to make women 'less attractive' or something whatsoever.

They don�t want to shave their legs, keep their hair long, wear makeup (or not wear their makeup, if a man dares to say he likes the makeup-free look) or keep their weight down.

Actually, plenty of them want to do all these things, and -do- these things, just not be forced into it by society. It's about having a choice. It shouldn't be considered to be a sin to do these things, or not do these things. They can look how they want to look for themselves, not to fit society's expectations, and not for what men want.

And then later I found out it�s true. If you�re that fat, you�ll be loved by cute chubby-chaser betas.

"Betas"? We're not doing the alpha/beta male thing are we? Also this whole thing implies that fat is unattractive.
9 years


Karma feature, answered here too:


The more likes you have on your stuff, the more purple tears/droplets you get.
9 years