To commit to gaining or not

Not a bad way to experiment really I did it that way.
I found I enjoyed the extra weight and actually felt a lot better physically because I was on the skinny side.
I had no curves and I was tired of buying clothes in the jr's section.
5 years

When do people notice?

Wouldn't being 200 +negate the need for the appetite stimulant?
I worked all thru college and never took out a student loan, got a business degree several years later and paid for that too no loan taken out.
It can be done and I totally get saving money when possible.
I found an apartment was cheaper than a dorm plus less distractions from students that didn't care if they got an education or not and just there to party.
My parents offered to pay for college but I declined and wanted to do it on my own.
Good luck however you do it.
5 years

When do people notice?

Don't worry about when people will notice because what they think doesn't matter.
Seems people these days have a hard time making their own minds up and feel they have to have other approval to do anything.
If you want to be 200+ then do it don't let what others think control your life.
Are you still living at home with your parents?
Sure sounds like it and at 20 you should be out on your own anyway.
5 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

I get that its a fetish thing with you two and all for fun.
Let us know how it turns out.
5 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

You won't gain much in a week so seems like a fruitless venture.
5 years


I don't mind a bit.
I like to give likes on bellies that look nice.
5 years

Why are women increasingly becoming overweight?

I would have to agree with a lot of what you posted alelectromigration.
5 years

Why are women increasingly becoming overweight?

Being skinny and having no curves isn't good if you are a female.
People talk about you if you are really skinny just as much as if you are overweight.
Like I said I would rather be fat than skinny and there is no "how come" about it really it just is for me.
5 years

Why are women increasingly becoming overweight?

Chubby is fine.
You asked why don't girls want to slim down and I will answer that from my own take on it.
I have been skinny in the past and over 400 lbs as well and I would choose chubby over skinny any day.
I am happy being 340ish currently and have no desire to lose weight because I am confidant in how I look.
5 years

Why are women increasingly becoming overweight?

They can be yes just depends on their body shape. How they carry their weight and what kind of clothes they wear.
Same goes for guys too.
A big fat guy in a spiderman t shirt or StarWars t shirt wouldn't be attractive to me.
5 years