Too thin

It's funny, that the whole problem is that assuming everyone should be the same size. Nobody is too anything. Everyone is what they are. Telling someone that they should change is wrong.

If someone comes across someone that they feel is the wrong size, then the thing that should be changed, is that the person thinking somone is the wrong size should go find someone who he (or she) considers the right size.
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

ReadTheWind wrote:
I can sort of relate. I'm tiny at only 100lbs, but I go to a school where's there's only a few overweight people. I sometimes see this one guy who is quite large and I really want to talk to him and be his friend. I'm too shy though. He's always alone... Where I live it's unacceptable to be overweight. I live in a beach/party culture community where if you're not at the gym for at least 6 hours a day, then you're a nobody and far from attractive. I feel really upset that I can't find any large people here to befriend and cuddle up to. I just want to find people like you guys and hang out. You'd get so many compliments (and cookies) from me all the time!

Me: I'm not worrrrrthy of your goddess-like presence!

Imaginary large friends: Char, shut up you're embarrassing us!

Me: But you're soooo amaaaazing!

I would go for it anyway. Just say hi, and see where it goes. He is probably shy too.
12 years

Ff sods law

You're trying to read what someone said, and it does not make sense because they used your instead of you're.
12 years

Do most feedees find a feeder?

I think this is very complex. I think most females can find a feeder. It seems that the males have a harder time.

I disagree that if you stop looking, you will find one. Part of the solution is to look outside the box. There are feeders who are either in the closet, not part of a community, or do not realize it themselves yet. So, place local ads. If you get flagged, then don't be so obvious. Say things, like "looking to expand my situation," or "looking for a growing relationship." Some FAs may enjoy weight gain too, even if they have not been official feeders.

Of course, one of the problems is weeding out the fakes. Look at sites like Experience Project, and you'll find more fakes than real feedees.
12 years

Fave summer songs

See you in September by the Happenings.
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

FyreBurner wrote:
The other day on a night out I saw a girl in my age in about that weight range (I guess 350ish, but she certainly wasn't thin) and we had a little chat. I first "discovered" her on the way to the loo when she wasn't exactly smiling so I did a clown's "Smile!" face and she did so smiley On my way back she had stopped smiling again and I made the same thing and she restarted smiley Her friend looked at me like I was some evil person but we ended up chatting nevertheless. She was brutally honest and told me that it usually never happens that someone approaches her in a club or anywhere for that matter and she wondered (with quite some resignation) why I did it. I told her that I preferred women of her size and she asked me why I would do that..It was a bit unfortunate, it turned out she really just was too self-critical..I told her she shouldn't be because she was a pretty girl (and not only because of her body but she had the most stunning face, especially for a girl her size) but our little chat had somewhat reached its end. I tried to squeeze some self-esteem out of her but failed. I ended up telling her again that she should treat herself with more respect. It was the first time I was in that kind of situation so I might not have made the best decisions in what I told her. I just hope I haven't made it worse smiley The world needs self-confidence that doesn't depend on size! smiley

You're not going to undo 20 or 30 years of negativity that she has encountered in one chat. You did your best, and maybe one day it will sink in and change her life. Or maybe it won't.
12 years

Youtube favorites

I absolutely agree about theowl100. I love to see his vids. You can just search for feedee/SSBBW or other terms to see other videos.
12 years

Wife hates how fat i've gotten

Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they prefer fat partners. She was what you liked and you were what she liked. Both of you ended up changing things, you a lot more. So, it is just a matter if either of you can accept the other. It's not fair for anyone to try to change someone else.

I disagree that it is easy. For most people, the initial weight loss is the first part of yoyo dieting. The second part which usually comes 2 to 3 years later is the regain. Many times it is more than the initial weight loss, making the person even bigger.

If you don't want to lose weight, tell her so, it is your choice. But if she is no longer turned on by you, or wants a divorce, that is her choice.
12 years

Young female looking for ssbhm

This whole thread obviously belongs in the personals section.
12 years

10,000 calorie

If you want to eat to gain 3 pounds in one day, eat 3 pounds of food and don't poop until you weigh yourself.
12 years