What have contributed the most to your weight

Its OK don't worry I totally get where you are coming from
5 years

Getting turned on at weird times

A farm customer came in my office and said he had an appointment with our farm manager.
I had him take a seat and called my boss to tell him his appointment was here.
I could tell something was going on because I was getting all flustered and warm down there and quite tingly.
My boss came in and he heard me sigh rather loudly after they left.
That is the only time that ever happened in my life.
5 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I reached a plateau a few times and did not gain any for quite a while.
I just kept on my plan and started to gain again.
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

I have always preferred fat guys even back in high school.
My friends thought I was crazy and told me I could take my pick of the boys but I liked the fat boys because they were friendlier and more fun.
Cuter too.
5 years

Bk's impossible whopper has 18 million times the estrogen of a reg whopper

I read somewhere it has a lot of GMOs and I try to stay away from foods like that.
You don't know whats in them.
5 years


Thats a really good idea pillbug
5 years

Parents reaction

I'm sure some get off on those questions if they have a fat fetish.
For me fat comments 99% of the time came off as mean and judgemental.
5 years

I need incentive ideas to get my lazy boyfriend to fatten up.

If he is too lazy to even make an effort he really doesn't want to.
I would kick him to the curb or make him think I would if he doesn't get his butt in gear.
5 years

The rounder it gets...

When I used to binge eat my belly got hard as a rock because it was literally packed full of food.
The next morning it was flabby and jiggly.
5 years

Is it possible to get rid off fat fetish?

Maybe it does pull you back because you really don't want to stop indulging in the fetish.
As long as its not controlling you and causing problems you should be fine
5 years