
Robbie wrote
Death. Thats it. That is what im purely afraid of. I know its inevitable but i still fear it with my whole being. it started when i was 13 and i had to go 9 funerals in a row in one week.I started getting panic attacks then. Then it got worse when i was 14 and became a type 1 diabetic. I didnt find out untill 2 yrs ago that while i was being rushed to the hospital in an ambulence blacking in and out that my organs were failing and almost fell into a coma. I dont know why the panic attacks still come though. ill be playing video games or just watching tv and death just comes into my mind outta no where and its just a horrible feeling

I know the feeling, its like an inner cold that chills you to the bone and paralyzes you with fear until you are able to shake it off and even that sometimes doesn't work... I get it most nights before I go to bed.

lol, I've had this fear since birth, I remember my mum staying up with me as a toddler in the middle of the night trying to comfort me as I was in fits of fear over the thought of death. It never really goes and it never really will, It has shaped my entire life, I try to use it to help me, (motivation to do stuff and "carpe diem"smiley but that doesn't always work...

You're not alone mate. smiley
14 years

Film "feed" - who have seen it?

lol I think we need a sticky that says, "DO NOT MENTION THE MOVIE FEED!!!"
14 years

Diabetic gainer

This has turned into a very informative thread, I hope all of you continue to remain healthy. smiley
14 years

Sometimes an illusion on the screen is better than nothing.

So she was just an actress saying those things to the camera?

hmmm, doesn't sound so special, I'm sure you could get any actor to do that if its what gets you off...
14 years

A fetish, a paraphilia, or an eating disorder?

It is interesting and I suppose it is possible, I often wonder about the flip side, maybe there are "anorexics" who are getting as much sexual satisfaction from losing weight as we get from gaining weight...

I really have no idea to be honest, I just know that everyone is different and there is no "black and white" on any issue, so I suppose anything is possible.
14 years


Stella wrote
Spiders big time although it has gotten better over the years but not much. I was deighted when I realised I could point out a spider to my previous dog and he would eat it for me smiley the only trouble started when it was a really big house spider and I was screaming so much he ran over to see what the problem was and spit the half mangled spider out at my feet... I nearly passed out lol:o

lmfao, poor innocent dogs, if only they understood us better... xD

The only bad thing about living in Australia is that it has the largest percentage of poisonous creatures, spiders, snakes, jellyfish, etc, luckily our spiders aren't overly big, but they are common, very, very common... smiley
14 years

Down she goes...

Interesting topic, I think I'd panic if I was ever in that situation and is the reason why I tend to have a "too big" limit.

I'm impressed to hear how well you handled the situation and I hope she wasn't too distressed, I can only imagine how scary that would have been for her.
14 years

Who would you turn gay/straight for?

This is something which used to be done on a talk show here in Australia, the host used to use it as the last question he'd ask every guest he had on and it made for some interesting conversation, so I figured lets try it here.

Firstly, this isn't a gay/straight discussion thread, just a bit of fun, those who are Straight can nominate the one person they'd turn Gay for and those who are Gay can nominate the one person they'd turn Straight for. (If your Bi I guess you could choose either lol)

Ok so first off, I'd turn gay for Dave Grohl, he is the most awesome person of all time and just oozes cool, it would be an honour just to meet him. ^_^

Ok, now your turn people of FF, who would you turn gay/straight for and why?

14 years