Learning stuff ruins all

Disney is horrible!

They had a ride called Pirates of the Carribean. All of the pirates were chasing the thin woman. Then pops out a fat woman who is chasing the pirates. A number of us complained, and I think they changed it.

Also, they had an exhibit at Epcot showing the dangers of obesity. For a fat kid who already is bullied, he goes to a theme park to enjoy himself, and he gets bullied by Disney. They may or may not change that after a number of complaints.
12 years

Families suck.


Tell him that you are sorry that he can not accept you as you are. But that you accept yourself.
12 years

Almost ready

All of the diets you have been on will help you gain weight. Diets slow the metabolism. Good luck with the gaining. The admirers will love the 42DDD boobs too!
12 years

Sarah silvermen says no to fat

It depends on the nature of fat jokes. To make a joke about a fat person being fat, then it's not insulting. But to make a joke about a fat person being a slob, lazy, out of control, etc., then it is insulting.
12 years

I really want to gain weight

katiebabe wrote:
hey guys i too am also looking to become a gainer.. i already weigh 265 (how YOU doin? ) lol but anyway , any tips?smiley

If you already weigh 265, it looks like you found the way to gain. Just keep it up. Some people are in a hurry to gain, but the faster you gain, the sooner you will either have to stop or approach immobility.
12 years

Getting bigger and getting...

Fat stores up estrogen, and will eventually turn from moobs to female breasts. As with women, the size depends on genetics. Some men won't get much, others will.
12 years

Kate upton hardees burger

I think the burger looks good. The actress really doesn't appeal to me.
12 years

Legal questions?

FlirtyRedHead wrote:
No, the pics I'm talking about are the ones I've uploaded here. I deleted them a long time ago but they still POP up when you do a image search on Google.

Once you post something on the Internet, it is generally there forever. Posting something, and then claiming it's copywrited doesn't make a difference. You put them there.
12 years

Slim-fast ads on ff.

The names are so fake. One woman is called Blondie with jet black hair. Another woman was a blonde with a name like Chocolate something.
12 years