

*bashes them with the rock which is home*


<3 Patrick Star

But seriously, I can relate to the doll one, but its more then dolls for me, its anything which is made to look human, puppets, manequins, robots, dolls, etc.

Something about a representation which is meant to be human like creeps the hell out of me, and the closer they strive to make them human like, the worse it gets...
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Saphiel wrote
More news: "Pokémon Black and White Versions will only feature Generation 5 Pokémon up until the player acquires the National Pokédex. In the update, Masuda said that his intention was to give players both new and veteran an equally new experience, akin to Pokémon Red and Green/Blue Versions back in Generation I." - so no Zubat's and Tentacool's everywhere this time.

Awesome, I always felt that detracted from the newer games having them full of old pokemon, although logically it makes sense that they wouldn't be restricted to one region, what was even wierder was seeing new pokemon in old regions lol, like they just magically appeared...

I really think they should just go back to Team Rocket (and I don't mean Jesse and James) No way someone like Giovani would just give up everything cause of some upstart kid, and what about his son? Surely he could play a role as the new head or something. All these other teams just seem like cliched cannon fodder, Team Rocket were interested in no more then money and power and exploiting pokemon in anyway possible and that made them pure evil.
14 years

Starcraft 2

Faguy88 wrote
sfx420 wrote
Been playing this game religously! Anyone else notice how hot it gets while idling at the menus?

I don't notice my computer overheating at the menus . . . but I do notice how I have to plan my actions very quickly and precisely at the menus, because my computer lurches like Lurch (or a 50's horrorfilm plot) if I'm in one for more than 10 seconds. . . . Yeah, probably shouldn't be playing this game on this comp.
I beat the campaign on hard, but only snagged about 45% of the achievements. I am now avidly awaiting the second installment of the game. I suppose I'll have to branch into multiplayer to tide me over to the zerg chapter (and really, the Zerg are the only ones who matter).

Nay, the Protoss is where its at; MY LIFE FOR AIUR!!!
14 years

Starcraft 2

Amatrix wrote
Oh hi... Look I normally dont play games but-

The boyfriend got this game the other day... and I haven't seen him from the moment he started the game.

Endymion loves this game. I miss him. smiley lol

Don't worry, you'll get him back...

In about a decades time! smiley
14 years

Waxing/waning desire to be fat

Yeah, I go through it too, lol.
14 years

Your ideal stuffing

blobby_man wrote
oohh... good thread!
it would be a whole weekend, starting friday night. me and my girlfriend. she would do all the cooking though we would both stuff.
we'd have donuts, chips, chocolate, coockies and coke for snacks between meals, and for meals we'd have, pizzas, currys, fried food, pasta. puddings would be icecream. and milkshakes packed with icecream and cream and full fat milk. id sit on the sofa with her gorging. id want to gain as much as possible. and we'd both be naked! oohhHHH what a gd thread!!! smiley

This sort of thing sounds good, but no one would have to cook, we'd just stock up on friday and spend the whole weekend on the couch in front of the tv, stuffing ourselves and each other while watching dvds and playing video games. We'd only get up to waddle to the bathroom and back and by the end of the weekend we'd both be stuck on the couch and need a crane to life us both out. smiley
14 years

Starcraft 2

Faguy88 wrote
Yeah, about a month ago, or something, Blizzard did this whole 'real id' thing in an effort to curb the rampant trolling on WoW forums.
My opinion on this effort can be summed up here: www.cad-comic.com/cad/20100707 (ctr+alt+del is a respectable web comic . . . if any web comic can be considered respectable). There's also a much better explanation of what Blizzard is trying to do.

I've had experience being censored, though. So the less of myself I put out there, the better. If the cost of that is risking having my battlenet account revoked for lying to a corporate entity. . . meh. (The part I'm not happy with about Blizzard's Battlenet EULA is that it breaches the first amendment rights of Corporations. That's simply unfair!)

So, feel free to look pedro gonzalez 'praseodymius' up. I must admit, I was never good at the two resource platform RTS, but SCII is still fun.

I knew about RealID but didn't realise that you had to use your real name, wierd...
14 years