Why do you come here....

NyanMuffins wrote:
I understand what you mean, pillow, and I know you don't mean shallow or anything negative by it haha. More like...you don't have to go for somebody here just because it's probably the best you're going to get. You can afford to think about what turns you on here, rather than only bending to another person's wants out of fear you'll end up alone, because fat women aren't accepted in society.

I was the same way when I first joined a couple of years ago. It was nice to find people who didn't just "look past" the fact that I'm fat. They liked that part just as well as my personality ^^

Unfortunately for me (or perhaps ironically), I feel my self esteem has taken a HUGE nosedive on FF. Don't get me wrong, I still love this place, and the people I've befriended here. I just don't do very well in the popularity contest, and I feel like I'm just clinging to this place out of some hope that I'll get that old intensity for it back.

Haha, that whole spiel was getting around to my answer to the original question, I swear! I guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure why I come here anymore. Out of habit, and to see my old friends seems like the closest I can get to the truth right now :]

Many of us do not do well in a popularity contest. But that is not what this is about. I don't know what you are looking for. However, it takes only finding one person as a romantic interest, or a few to be friends. It does not take a majority of the people. Your pictures are very nice, and your personality seems nice from what I have seen in your posts.
12 years

Mobility threshold

I think in most cases, it is gradual. They start out with little aches and pains, then it gets worse. As time goes on, they can walk less, and prefer not to walk.
12 years

Dating problems

I agree what everyone says about just treat a BBW like you would treat anyone else.

However, try a BBW dating service, or answer a BBW ad in a regular dating service.

She may look different than the thin women you date, but the hooking up part is still the same. If there is chemistry and you have things in common, then it will work out. Once you have that connection, you can possibly discuss BBW issues and let her know you like her physically too.
12 years

Obesity "disease"

Obesity is called a disease, for only one reason. So that the obesity reasearchers can get more money. They also call it an epidemic to get more money. They also went as far as calling it contageous to get more government funding.

Basically, the job of any medical researcher is to make the condition sound worse than it really is to get more funding.
12 years

Understanding humilation

chiisai_buta wrote:
princess piggy wrote:
fat barbie wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
I try to play along when someone asks me to insult them. But I find it very hard. I just find BBWs, SSBBWs and gainers VERY attractive. It's hard to insult somone who you find is superior.
I don't know if they are superior but it is hard for me to write insultive things about something I in reality love

If you have to write about something you don't enjoy, what's the point? I think you should just write how YOU want to, and is enjoyable for you, and if its not what others want, they can read something else. just my thoughts.

I completely agree here. You shouldn't feel forced to write something that you personally don't 'feel'. What you put into words should be something you're in tune with. They can read other works if they don't like yours.

But it's a game. I mean, if people really hated fat people, why would they be here in the first place?
12 years

Odd reasons for being dumped

I had one woman who wanted me to fall in love with her. Once I did, she dumped me, and told me that the challenge was gone. (The challenge of getting me to love her.)
12 years

Will my belly hang?

Someone hopefully can explain this better, but some people have fat inside the muscles and have beach ball bellies, while others have fat outside the muscles, and this hangs. So, basically like all the other body shape questions, it depends on your genetics.
12 years

Having children.

Some men like kids. However, to be totally honest, dating someone with kids is not easy. If someone has a very busy life of their own, has male friends that they can call on a moment's notice, it may work out.

But most men realize that they are number two after the kids (which it should be). They know that if they make plans, a sick child, a situation at school, or an undependable baby sitting will cancel those plans.

Like I say, there are men who like kids. But they are in the minority, so it will probably be harder to find someone.
12 years