Are feedees disposable?

It is a problem when the person only likes the gain, not particularly the person, or the goal/result.

I know one woman who went from 300 to 600 with a feeder boyfriend. When she didn't want to gain any more, he dumped her. Her parents were already against her gain, so she had a falling out with them.

At 600, she could not work, and was pretty immobile, and had to go back to her parents in a "I told you so" environment.

She then had weight loss surgery and died from the complications.

A very sad situation indeed.

12 years

Complete care of your feedee?

princess piggy wrote:
AussieFA63 wrote:
I'd be fully prepared to care for my partner in everyway, if she became immobile.

If you love someone & make that committment, you should stand by them no matter what. Like I've said before, if your partner had an accident & became dependent on you, would you leave them? If they had a stroke, had cancer? Only difference here is that your partner has gained so much weight they need you to help them.

I LOVE this point!! it is soo true!

SHOULD stay with them, and actually staying with them is two different things.

People can gain only so much weight. and some feeders have to keep feeding. I know one woman who gained to over 600. When she could not gain any more, her boyfriend left her. She then had WLS and remained sick from it until she died from it. A very tragic story indeed. I hope this never happens to anyone else. But it could.
12 years

Tall girls?

I like tall women. However, most women don't like men who are not 3 inches or more taller than they are. It amazes me how women will date men of any race, any weight, from any country, but be picky about height.

But I guess everyone has preferences. And the tall women miss out. Most tall men will date women of any height, so there are not enough of them for the women who want tall men.
12 years

Double chin

As with anyone gaining, there is no way to know where the fat will go. Some rather thin people have double chins, some fat people don't. Everyone is different.
12 years

Let me try this again...

I just want to point out that eating "healthy" is no guarantee of being healthy. This reminds me of a woman being interviewed and saying, "I don't understand how *I* could have gotten breast cancer. I always ate right and took care of my body."

There are many factors including heredity and just plain luck. Some athletes die in their 20's, some people who smoke and eat crap live to be 100. Some people take care of themselves only to die in an accident.
12 years

Going on a plane

There is no way of knowing in advance. The same model plane by the same airline was different when I flew before. The person with me needed an extender on one flight, but not another.

Do not fly Southwest. They have frequently thrown people off midflight (at the connection points, not in the air) because someone was too big. They do not like large people, and they have no problems embarassing people. (You might get a kind employee, but for the most part they are rude to fat people, and complaining to their corporate office does not help.)
12 years

Complete care of your feedee?

Linda wrote:
If you love her, is no problem ...
I think the feeder, who really wants to excessively fatten his feedee to immobility, he intends to take care of her, because for him to be so sexy.

Not all relationships last for whatever reason. Normally there are a few tears and everyone goes their own way. But if the feedee is immobile, there could be major problems. It's rather risky, in my opinion.
12 years

Complete care of your feedee?

I think people have to be careful of that. Like many things, it sounds good for a while. Then people get bored or used to it. Then they stop. However, in this case, there is a human who depends on someone else who is being neglected.
12 years

Nude pictures

rubyripples wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
It is funny that so many people are for showing nude pictures, yet so many people here are against liking people on their physical attraction.

If two people get serious they are free to trade them privately. But when surfing through this site, I would rather see a pretty smile than someone's privates.

When everyone tries to outdo everyone else's nude pictures, it makes this site nothing more than a porn site. All of the support, understanding, etc. goes out the window.

Hmm it sounds from your post like you have an issue with something that isn't really the topic of the thread? I think almost all couples are first attracted on a physical basis, that's nature. And.. what do you mean by your last paragraph? Outdoing?

People will feel that they will need to post nude pictures because everyone else is doing it. And people try to show more to attract more attention.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

It's genetic.

Clothes don't shape your body. Your body shapes your clothes.
12 years