Table or booth

My boyfriend is 6' and 300 lbs, most of it carried in his belly. Everytime we go out to eat, which is pretty often, he asks for a booth if they have one. He doesn't look squished in them but I guess i assumed larger ppl would prefer a table where they can move the chair freely. I don't know. What are you're preferences and why? -curious FFA
10 years

The internet and feederism

I definetly think the internet has some influence on why i even think about feederism. I had never been like maybe i want to watch a guy eat an insane amount and rub his belly for hours. I was just like fat guys are so cute. But looking it up brought feederism up and i was like ....hey thats pretty cool...really cool. I would have been none the wiser without the internet. now my profile picture is adam richman of man vs food smiley
10 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

That's me! But i feel like public criticism isn't as common but i definitely feel like a lot of judgement comes from the people who actually matter. My preference is seen as a joke which makes me think my boyfriend is in a roundabout way a joke too. So i wouldn't say we have it easier. This life is hard. But yea im all about that size contrast.
10 years

Calling out the skinny girls

I'm not like skinny but I know on this sight i'm considered as such. I love BHM's and I love the size diversity between me and my 300lb boyfriend. I think it looks cuter. You should have kept your pictures up because its hard to remember us smaller FFA's even exist on this sight. I would but I'm way to paranoid. But yea we are on here. You can message me any time.
10 years

So does anybody feel this?

I believe it is an orientation. You can like her as much as you want but if she doesn't turn you on at all I predict it wont last very long smiley. The life of an FA/FFA is way harder than we are given credit.
10 years

Hey bhm and bbws???

Thankyou LadyEjkua. That's what I was thinking. I obviously don't think anybody should feel like a sexual vessel and not a person that's horrible.
10 years

Hey bhm and bbws???

So I keep hearing this criminalizing of FAs and FFAs. I just would like to know what you mean when you say "I am not a fetish" to be honest. Because if my fetish is thinking your body is hot,even the parts that other people don't think are, I don't see a problem. If I thought abs were sexy a guy would never yell at me for thinking that's hot and wanting to see pictures of them without their shirts on. I just feel like if you make it a special case because you're fat then you proving that it matters and means something different if you're fat. Then by collateral you make us liking you're bodies a big deal and then it becomes a fetish, when really we're just people with a preference that happens to be you. But if we could all act like loving each other and being attracted to the outside was ok for everyone then we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe i'm wrong or don't get it bc i'm average sized. I just would like to know what you guys think on this issue. And if i'm wrong what can FA/FFA do to not be a sleez AND enjoy our sexuality like other people.
10 years

Does he get it?

You know I actually thought about doing that. We learned in psychology about conditioning and how they got dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell because they knew food would come next. I just thought that was a little mad scientisty lol. But if it comes to it the oh well. I'm pretty sure if i showed him this site he'd think I was weird. I think the whole feeding/eating thing is a pure fantasy. I wouldn't want him thinking im in the more extreme categories that exist on this site.
10 years

Does he get it?

So I have been dating my boyfriend for about a month. He's probably a little over 300lbs 6ft. He knows I'm a chubby chaser and all, but I feel like I just want him to be on the inside. I feel like he doesn't understand that rubbing his belly means something to me and I want him to LIKE it. He says he does but I know it's not something he thinks about all day like I do. Does anyone else have this problem with people outside of the FF scene?
10 years


lol wow two years ago and yea we exist in CT ...well at least i do smiley
11 years
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