I love chubby girls but...

Reminds me of my old college roommate. First day, he comes out to me.

"You should probably know I'm gay. Is that okay?"

"Well, I'm not. Is that okay?"


"We're cool then... you're not gonna be doing stuff up on the top bunk, right?"

"Ha, no."

"Okay, cool then."


Several weeks later, he began bringing a very fat girl by the dorm. Despite my own preferences, I found her to be kind of a lousy person and a bit of a spaz. Still, she came by somewhat frequently, and I recall at one point she said "Oh, I almost forgot my pie!"

She retrieved a half devoured pie from the fridge. I had just started reading up on weight gain sites (FatNats and Reuben's or something) and wondered if she was fat on purpose.

Anyway, after a short time, my roommate informed me "I think I might be bi."

My response was something like "well, boobs are nice".
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

I decided to try it, and here's what I can report so far:

I've taken three doses over three days. The first two made me very sleepy, and I wound up taking very long naps. One the second day, I woke up, neither hungry nor full. I ate a considerable amount of food (entire pizza, half a sub, about a quart and a half of milk), then fell back asleep. I was physically very full after eating all that, but had no discomfort and could have eaten more. Regardless, I was really tired, so I fell back asleep until this morning.

I woke up today and went straight to class. Got home about three hours ago, and took my third dose.

So far, I'm not drowsy, and have managed to put away (1) chocolate milk, (2) pop tarts, (8) Swiss Rolls, (1/2) quart of milk and (1) Digionio Pizza, personal size.

That's about 2800 calories in three hours, and I'm about to eat more. My stomach is being a bit noisy and is at about 38.5" inches (which is normal for "stuffed" for me). I'm obviously very full, but feel like I can just keep eating and eating.
10 years

Stealth eating...

1. Have an extra "stealth" meal before dining with them so you don't overeat in front of them.

2. Had a make-up meal AFTER dining with them, to make up for holding back.

3. Hide snacks in your bedroom, office, car, or other places.

As far as number 1 and 2 go, not really. I don't want to kill my appetite before dining out, but when we do dine out, I'm not shy about clearing my plate.

Number 3, absolutely - mostly because I don't want my intentions to be obvious.

Having a bowl of ice cream or a glass of chocolate milk? Fine, socially normal.

Devouring an entire quart of ice cream or chugging the entire half gallon of chocolate milk? Strange looks and follow up questions.
10 years

Love to be teased

Intimate/playful teasing, yes.

Open humiliation, no way.
10 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

I made a trip to the hardware store today and put together an awesome funnel with a hose and a valve.

I wanted to test it out first with something not messy, so I set it up in the shower and let the shower head run into the funnel.

At first, I wanted to see how fast the water would come out of the hose, and was a bit concerned when it seemed to be gushing out pretty quickly. Still, I gave it a try, and it was the most amazing thing ever!

The water flow was fast and constant, and it was almost automatic how I could just swallow it with minimal effort. I thought it was easy to chug stuff from a bottle, but this is totally different. It's just automatic, forced on you. No need for head tilting, just in your mouth and down your throat. I feel pretty distended after a very short time. I could have gone one a little longer, but wanted to be careful to avoid water poisoning.

After, I tried it with a beer, which I think kind of topped me off for a bit. At the moment I feel really gassy and weigh 3 pounds more than I ever have.

Leaves me with a short todo list.

- Figure out some really fatty concoctions to place into the funnel.

- Find a way to stabilize the funnel. You definitely don't want any dips in the hose. Everything should be pointing down, except for maybe the last few inches to get it into your mouth. I'd like to be able to turn upside down a half gallon of chocolate milk (might need to switch out the funnel), and just let it rip... but right now there's too much risk for a spill.
10 years

How big do you wanna be?

I started out really thin, under 120, and wanted to hit 155ish to be officially overweight, then gain "several" more.

I've partially achieved that, as my weight ranges from 159 to 164 at the moment (I tend to work very long and hard shifts on Sunday, often eating nothing aside from maybe some water and a small snack, so by Sunday night, I'm at my lowest weight). Just weighed in at 159.4 - but I was 162 when I woke up this morning and hit 164 a couple of days ago after a rather large stuffing. It might sound like I'm losing weight, but it wasn't too long ago that my "floor" weight was 155. I'll probably be back up to 162-164 by tomorrow night. smiley

That said, when I was back around 120-140ish, I probably would have said my ultimate goal is 170. With that so close, I think I'm aiming more for 180 now. I guess it depends, the next 10 or so pounds might make me feel sufficiently fat for the time being.

With a feeder, I think I'd commit to 210 or so, but anything beyond that is too far off to say. I can't say I wanna be 500 pounds or anything without having ever seen 200.

At the same time, I enjoy stuffing so much, so I can't say I'd hit 180, 210... or whatever and be like "okay, I'm done with this".

I curse my fast metabolism right now, because I need to gorge myself for several nights to start seeing gains. At the same time, if I hit a weight I'm happy with, I kind of hope it's still there, so I can simply maintain my weight if I so choose.
10 years

Family response

Some, but I think the moms are the ones most likely to overreact.

Then again, maybe I just read too much WG fiction...
10 years

Public belly massaging

I got caught absent-mindedly rubbing my stomach after Thanksgiving dinner once. The person just smirked and asked "have enough to eat?"
10 years

Fetish for numbers

I guess I'm a numbers guy to an extent with this fetish.

I weigh myself often, usually several times per day. I like to make sure I'm at least maintaining my weight, if not gaining.

I also like to add up calories, to make sure something is going to help significantly with my gain. Sometimes things I thought were really fattening turn out not to be, but things I wouldn't expect to be are.

An example: Welch's Fruit Snacks have about 450 calories in a 5 ounce bag. That's more than two pop-tarts, which are 200 apiece, and I expected to be more fattening than they are.

I like a nice mix of calories and volume, especially if we're talking liquids.

Sometimes I go for five 14 oz bottles of True Moo whole chocolate milk before bed. Seventy ounces of liquid leaves quite a nice bloated feeling, and it's also a lovely 1950 calories.

Sometimes I can't get my hands on True Moo (I'm pretty sure I clear out the supermarket's inventory on this item... seriously), and instead turn to Whole Foods for their chocolate milk. There's a brand called "High Lawn", and it seems especially high in calories as well.

The half gallon bottle has a similar volume (64 ounces), but less calories (1680).

Both options have higher calories than even a quart of heavy cream, although requiring twice the volume. I will say this though, I belly full of chocolate milk feels really nice, heavy and relaxing.

A belly full of heavy cream feels awful, to the point that you're afraid to breathe wrong or you might get sick.

As one final note, the last stuffing I did with chocolate milk, my last final gulp caused a sudden bulge feeling in my upper stomach, a stretching feeling as if it had been pushed to new limits! The best part was, my stomach made a noise that sounded something like someone croaking "help..."

Poor belly.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I'm faceless on this site, but I'm willing to share face pictures privately. I know some people here think anyone who isn't open about their membership here might be "fake" or "on the fence", but for me, it's just a matter of comfort with how much people can accidentally find out about me and my preferences.

As a straight mutual gainer, here are things people could say about me, and how I would feel if they came to light.

One the feeder side of things, people could say the following things.

"His girlfriend is fat."

"He likes that she is fat."

"He likes her at her fatter size, than her previous thinner size."

"He wants her to get fatter."

"He is helping to make her fatter."

"He hand fed her an entire cake and a gallon of weight gain shake before bed last night, then they had wild sex."

...as you can see, statements start out tame here, but can quickly escalate to awkward and embarrassing. Most people here wouldn't be embarrassed to date a fat person (I hope!), and most would be happy to even bring their significant other a little extra food and maybe give their belly an loving pat without a second thought. Some other things are best left to the bedroom though. Or at least to a private booth in a restaurant.

On the feedee side of things, it's kind of the same deal.

"He has a big appetite."

"He's gained a little weight."

"He's gotten fat."

"He likes being fat."

"He got fat on purpose, and is trying to get fatter."

"His girlfriend is trying to fatten him up, and he's loving it."

"Every night, his girlfriend feeds him a dozen donuts, then a gallon of weight gain shake through a funnel."

When does it stop being comfortable for you?
10 years
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