Gaining too fast!

softly wrote:
I have a strange problem..I find that im gaining weight incredibly fast. Im not an active gainer, just enjoy eating naughty things. .but I have gained about 35lbs in under 3 months. Im not stuffing or eating huge amounts, just grazing a lot. I read about people who are struggling to gain despite deliberately stuffing or taking shakes..and here's me literally swelling up before my eyes! Any clues as to why??

The famous chubby_bunny_160 had a similar experience (though she was actively gaining at the time)

Calories can sure add up...
9 years

Fantasy . confuses me .support

scuba wrote:
muffin wrote:
Thankyou . Nice to know im not alone x
Your not alone, there are a lot of people that feel and think the same way as you. Remember you are in control of your thoughts. Your thoughts are like children, if you let them run wild, eventually they will find trouble. It's like trying to stop a car in neutral from rolling down a hill. It is much easier to stop it at the top when it just starts, than at the bottom when it's doing 50Mph. When you find yourself thinking thoughts that are unsettling, immediately move a muscle and change that thought to something unrelated, like focusing on the deep color in a rose, or a warm beach. Good luck

Scuba--you truly have wise tid bits smiley
10 years

Feedees: why get fat?

AskDrFeeder wrote:
Plumpfatdana wrote:
I want to say that by definition a feedee is drivin by 6. The rest would be secondary, or in the "foodie" realm.

Point taken. However, I'd say you're at least partly a feedee if 6 or 5 is on your list at all.

Perhaps, but as far as 5 goes--to me a "real" feedee (or at least a strong, confident individual) will only gain weight if she truly wants to for herself and no one else. Sure it's great to have a partner who encourages the gain, but unless they want to fatten themselves up for their own interest/pleasure, i wouldn't feel comfortable being the feeder/encourager. Of course this is just one man's opinion. smiley
10 years

Is this too fast?

mdp99 wrote:
I agree, 4-5 months is a while. Be good to get updates on her progress!

Come on Chubby Bunny, you over 160 lbs now?

Yes, she is well over 160--check her profile, it was updated about a month ago with the new weight of 228--smiley
10 years

Is this too fast?

chubby_bunny_160 wrote:
So I went shopping today.. and found that I have gone up a lot of sizes! I was a 0 or even sometimes a 00 in bottoms before... and now I am much larger. I took in jeans and short into the fitting room, in a size 5, thinking they were plenty stretchy so that would be just fine! I then struggled a ton to even get them pulled up all the way, let alone buttoned! So I asked the lady to go grab me a size seven. Put those on and my stomach was still hanging over and lovehandleslike crazy! I could barely button those either. So then I asked for a nine, feeling really embarrassed. When I put them on, they were still really really tight, though easier to button. I was as embarrassed as could be when I asked her if she could get me an 11. And weirdly kind of turned on too smiley she seemed shocked but went and got them for me and finally I had a pair that fit just right! When I left, she was just kind of shocked and asked me if I finally found some that fit. It was awkward but kind of awesome smiley I went in thinking I was a 5, or a 7 at most, and left knowing I am an 11. And I was a zero less than a month ago! What on earth.. haha I'm getting so fat! Just thought I'd share my size progress with you all smiley

First of all, since this is literally the best thread on FF, i feel it deserves to be bumped back up to the first page so new comers don't miss this most beautiful feedee and her one of a kind amazing weight gain journey smiley

And second, this little paragraph is just so lovely. Firsthand experiences about the excitement of gaining weight and that delicious embarrassment of being too fat for the clothes you're trying on is absolutely the bestsmiley

Would love to hear any others you're willing to share ChubbyBunny...
10 years

Stealth eating...

OnyxStar wrote:
Lol if I am drinking half and half or cream nobody is ever around. I do a lot more night eating than daytime eating.

I love this! For some reason my "feedee" streak has let loose quite a bit recently and i keep buying quarts of heavy cream. But i always try and hide it and sneak it in my coffee etc. Not that i would really care if i got caught with it, but the sneaking is sort of exciting smiley
10 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Greywinter wrote:
A stuffed woman is extremely sensual and sexy. In my personal way to be a feeder, I love the way a girl wants to eat over her limit, enjoying her indulgence. Is also extremely sexy a girl who can't resist the temptation and offer of food and keep eat and enjoy it until is completely stuffed, and simply can't eat another bite smiley is extremely sexy a woman who enjoy to let herself fall so deeply in the pleasure of food.
And stuffing is arousing for me to experiment too, since I've some feedee sides. Sometimes I try it and is always extremely arousing to keep eating until my belly is completely stuffed.
As it's already been said, I think is an important part of feederism ^.^ and I love it.

I've recently been experiencing more of a feedee side lately as well, especially when i overeat...not really sure how i feel about this thoughsmiley
10 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

There's nothing quite like a woman seductively stuffing herself--however, i do tend to prefer it when the food in question are sweets/pastries. Doughnuts, especially custard or cream filled, would be at the top of my listsmiley
10 years

Heavy whipping cream

This stuff is pretty magical...

I mean I'm definitely more of a feeder/FA, but even i get quite turned on when i grab some heavy whipping cream and add it to my coffee--my mind races as i spoon it in by the tbsp and count the added calories by 50...50, 100, 150, 200, 250...whoops, my zero calorie morning drink just became a 400 calorie cup of fatsmiley

Btw, excuse my ignorance, but is there a difference between "heavy cream" and "heavy whipping cream"?
10 years

Is it just my imagination...

otherland78 wrote:
oh i miss neko :-(

it was really amazing beautiful to see her gain weight and perform some sexy vids ^^

Yes, Neko was great-- such a beauty, and she seemed to have a cool personality. I never chatted with her much, but she was nice enough to reply to a few of my short PM's a while back on my old FF account.
10 years
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