Belly shape?

mammoth, pendulous, and wide flabby bellies...single, double, or

think Dankii, T'Rina, or GypsySSBBW
11 years

Extreme obesity while mobile?

i have a SSBBW friend who is about 5'6" and close to 675 pounds. her mobility is getting quite limited, but she is definitely not immobile.
11 years

To large/heavy for........

OniGumo wrote:
xabss wrote:
shazzy wrote:
I have broken too many beds to mention,

write in more detail

You must have to beat the ladies off with a stick...

It only took one time beating off with a stick to teach me what a bad idea it is. :o
11 years

100+ bmi

WitchyLaRoux wrote:
hmmm according to this I am a BMI of 61.8 and "You are in the VERY SEVERELY OBESE weight range."

but to be over 100 I would have to weigh 583 lbs

As much of a goddess as you are already, I can't help but engage in a fantasy moment over that concept. *sigh*
12 years

Extreme obesity in literature

fancyfacebbw wrote:
This isn't literature, but "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". Anyone remember Leonardo DiCaprio's mom?

Actually, it is. "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" was written by Peter Hedges around 1990-91. I read it when it came out, and lingered long and hard over the parts about "Momma".

I remember thinking what a great movie it would make but also thinking that no one would possibly make it. The movie gets a little lost trying to bring a long, involved story to the screen, but it wasn't bad. The book was amazing!
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

A stack of massive, pendulous, sloshing rolls, especially with a deep vertical split up to the bellybutton.
13 years

Bi shout out

I call myself "fat-bi". I mainly like extremely curvy girls, chubby to SSBBW. But really cute, really obese, and really flabby guys can do it for me, too, especially if they're bottom heavy or have massive boobs *swoon*
13 years


Oh yes!...Definitely an awesome sensation! smiley
13 years

Do you ever forget just how big 500 pounds is?

Sunnybombshell wrote
Well I actually forgot at one point I was 515lbs and im only 5'2 so it's a lot of weight on a tiny frame...But yeah Ive totally forgotten how that feels like

I'd love for you to remember! smiley

If you wanted to, that is. smiley
13 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

It's already been said by others, but I feel like I need to register my vote in this weight gain democracy.

I find it appalling that people on a dedicated weight gain site are not just negative about extreme weight gain but are to the point of being antagonistic.

Everyone is perfectly free not to be interested in immobility and gaining massive amounts of weight, but I think that one of the most important elements of the Fat Community is its historic acceptance of people of all sizes. Yes, feel free not to want to weigh 500, 600, or 1,000+ pounds, but on a site that is here to support weight gain of all stripes, I think that the community is best served by people supporting what they like rather than dragging down what they do not.

There are body shapes and proportions and sizes and fat lifestyles that I do not find pleasing, but I don't post my displeasure to those who exhibit these traits. I save my words for cheering on those who I do enjoy and with whom I share the same interests.

Finally, yes, I adore extremely, shockingly, enormously obese women. And I hope that all of those who are already so beautifully fat or who hope to be someday will continue on the path that they've chosen and enjoy every pound of the journey.
13 years