I actually spoke to a ssbbw in a supermarket the other day. i'm extremely proud of it

The only thing that saves me from cringing out of my physical body at this is the full confidence that it never happened.
6 years

Explaining my gain to family

You don't explain it to them. If they ask, you tell them that you don't mind, and you are happy. No need to discuss sexual kinks to your family, and no need to justify your decisions.

Bingo. Say nothing if it's possible, and say the minimum otherwise.
6 years

Weight gain

I'd wanted to be fat for literally as long as I could remember, but it was hard to force myself to eat a lot. I finally had to take the plunge when I was 12, because it was becoming a total obsession.
6 years

Reckless gaining

It doesn't even have to be a SSBBW. In high school, I was friends with someone who was only around 200, and she would eat absolutely everything that other people at the lunch table didn't finish. She even begged us for more every now and then, which was incredibly hot.
6 years

Fifa world cup 2018 in russia

Even though the US isn't in it, I'm still looking forward to it. I'll just be rooting for the underdogs in general, like Iceland and Egypt.

I'm boycotting the Qatar one, so this is the last time I'll get to enjoy this competition until 2026. I'll make sure to savor it.
6 years

Most gained in a month?

About 20 pounds. I was about 15 below my all-time high of 270 up to that point, and in one month I gained it all back and then 5 more. 11 of those 20 came in one week of vacation.
6 years

Gaining challenges

When I was actively gaining, I made myself eat something every two hours while awake (at the top of every even-numbered hour, so 10am, noon, etc.), as well as any time I happened to wake up in the middle of the night. I also had to go to bed stuffed.

On top of this, I also had to eat any time I felt any hunger or a desire to eat for any reason, and I had to satisfy any craving I got, even if it was just a quick impulse. These didn't count towards the "every two hours" obligations.

If I failed to keep to this system at any point, I wasn't allowed to pleasure myself until I completed a successful day.

If two hours is too much or too little for you, you can scale it as needed. It made things a lot of fun for me!
6 years

75 lbs in 1 year?

It's definitely possible. That's only 1.5 pounds a week, or a couple ounces a day. I've seen claims that 3500 excess calories roughly corresponds to gaining a pound. If that's true (or close to the truth), in order to hit 1.5 pounds a week, you would need a little over 5000 excess calories a week. That's maybe 750 excess calories a day. You can get there by eating until you're full on a regular basis and then scarfing down a few extra sweets before bed.

I personally gained 75 pounds in about 15 months once. Shortening that to 12 months should be quite possible, especially if you already have a love for food.
6 years

The server's certificate has expired.

It's been a week now, have they at least acknowledged the problem?
6 years
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