Feedist version of kickstarter

I've already donated to several gaining campaigns, both legit and dodgy. There is a market for a central donation site for feeders, so the question is how big.
10 years

The best way to gain weight

Bigger, you could also try a "cake shake". Prepare some instant cake mix as per the instructions, but add some more liquid (water, milk, oil) and blend it instead of baking it. The resulting drink will literally be the calories of the entire cake in one glass. Circus fat ladies used to drink these to maintain.
10 years

Considering gaining a bit?

Depends how much you can stomach, and how fast you want to gain. Assuming 800 calories from 200ml of cream (not counting the soda calories) it'll take 4-5 of them to count towards one pound (assuming your diet is otherwise balanced), so you could gain that pound over a day or a week if you space them out. Some people just get used to the cream and drink it straight, but it's easier with the soda. Just before bed is best because you won't burn it off while sleeping.
10 years

Considering gaining a bit?

The problem with protein shakes is that the decent ones can cost more than some entire meals.

Chubby_bunny_160 recently clued us in on her favourite gaining drink: half heavy cream, half soft drink (preferably fruit flavoured). A tall glass can be up to 800+ calories, which is more than most protein shakes, and the ingredients are pretty cheap.
10 years


Protein's important for gaining and maintaining weight too, and that can be harder to get for a vegetarian but not impossible of course. I'm sure you have your ways.
10 years

Slim to fat

Same here except that I'd say -h- is chubby, not fat. There seems to be very little difference between her and -g-, but the picture encourages you to draw a mental line between the two because there's a larger gap.
10 years

Is this too fast?

Ditto CB160, the original journey was a marvellous experience all round, and it made you all round too. That was a dumb joke but I like it anyway.

Eat hearty, I'll stay in touch.
10 years

Is this too fast?

Going slow is pretty much the way to go to achieve those goals. Your stomach won't be packed and bulging all the time, so the change you see will be in the actual fat being stored. That's what'll add to your hips and start to make your belly hang down.
10 years

Intro, menus & challenges!!

I was in America for three months in 2008, but for some reason I wasn't into the food. Everything tasted just slightly different from the Australian versions. Probably just as well, or else I would have put on about 20 kilos (and I don't swing that way).

Still, this lot sounds delicious. You'll be off to a great start if you can manage a couple of these each week.
10 years

Help me gain!

Looking for help in person, or remote encouragement?
10 years
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