Is it even worth the time? -having trouble finding a connection with my kink. 23f,ca,foodie/feed

Bottom line I guess, is we can't know what drives other people, whether online or in real life. I think most of us at some point in our lives have gone thru this experience and it's not fun. In your case perhaps he was afraid of being in a relationship and ran. Maybe he was married and his wife found out he was talking to you. You just never know. Some people are obvious in their intent, but others are more secretive or devious. I think with time and experience we get better at reading between the lines and picking up those little red flags that can appear out of nowhere. Wishing you all the best.
2 weeks

The contrast

I never understood the vital necessity of contrast. Not to say it isn't important for some people, I know there are plenty for whom contrast is important. I just don't understand how it works over the long scale of time.
I've noticed a lot of BBW's online when asked if they would be into mutual gaining use that line. I think for the most part, it's their way of gently saying they aren't turned on by fat men.
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

A and B for sure. I love the feel of my fat belly and I love stepping on a scale and seeing the numbers go up. I love the confirmation I'm really gaining weight.

For sure, and when u become too fat for the scales too,

perhaps some talking ones! step on and it says ''one at a time please'' lolsss

Good point. I've always fantasized about outgrowing a standard scale and having to buy one that could hold 500 pounds or more.

thank goodness for mail order cos it would be so humiliating buying in store
Not sure how easy it would be to find a scale like that. I'm thinking not many stores would carry a scale that could hold that much weight.
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

A and B for sure. I love the feel of my fat belly and I love stepping on a scale and seeing the numbers go up. I love the confirmation I'm really gaining weight.

For sure, and when u become too fat for the scales too,

perhaps some talking ones! step on and it says ''one at a time please'' lolsss
Good point. I've always fantasized about outgrowing a standard scale and having to buy one that could hold 500 pounds or more.
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

A and B for sure. I love the feel of my fat belly and I love stepping on a scale and seeing the numbers go up. I love the confirmation I'm really gaining weight.
3 weeks

Telling my girlfriend i want to gain weight

Many years ago i told my wife at that time I wanted to get get fat. It did not end well. Every situation is different, but I'm not seeing anything in your description to suggest she's open to the idea. If gaining is important to you, have the conversation but be ready for rejection and possibly the end of the relationship, because this will change what she thinks about you. I wish you the best and I hope when you open up to her, she responds in a positive way.
7 months

Sleep apnea and other sleep related illnesses.

I've used a cpap machine for about 10 years. My heart was stopping briefly many times an hour so it was probably a lifesaving device for me. I was a heavy snorer by the way. Finding the right mask was the biggest problem for me. I sleep much better now.
1 year


Just wondering if any gainers who have been put on ozempic have found a way to overcome the weight loss aspect of the drug and continued to gain. The drug is useful for controlling blood sugars but I really want to add some weight.
1 year


Two big ones come to mind for me. In no particular order one is the cost of groceries nowadays and the second is the my diabetes medication which makes it almost impossible to gain weight.
1 year

The truth is difficult to get a feeder

The Muffin King:
The issue being is that people say there gonna feed you and then don't do it.

Like of your dating or married and its part of your dynamic then yes I won't expect money.

But if we're 2 strangers on the web its purely transactional

Yes a feedee should gain on there own power when needed but at that point there just a gainer waiting on a feedeer

Yeah I agree I've had several people on other websites Tell me they would be my sugar daddy and help me get fat or they would feed me but then end up ghosting me so I don't even ask people they message me and ask me and I say yes but then they don't do it so I don't even bother and I just gain weight on my own sure I could get even fatter if someone would support me but I don't need them especially if they're going to act like they want to feed me but then stop messaging me one day one if they could afford it and really wanted to do it they would have ready today and they wouldn't stop messaging me randomly one day but also it's not a big deal since I don't expect anyone to help me if they want to they can
You have exactly the right attitude. If someone truly wants to gain they have to be prepared to do it on their own. If they're waiting for someone else to fatten them up, it will probably never happen.
1 year
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