What is it like to be a feeder?

I agree with a lot of what everyone else has said, especially Influx. But I also think for me there is a moment usually at the beginning of a good meal, where theres that anticipation of the food in front of you. The smells fill your nose, your eyes take it in; you raise the fork up to your mouth and take that first, sometimes miraculous, bite (if the food's good). It's a moment of extreme pleasure, and I loooove watching it happen in someone I feel close to, or am attracted to. I think in the back of my mind I just want to see that look on their face with every bite, although that might not be realistic. And if the person is trying to restrain themselves then it's hot because "just this bite" or "just this night" of food and those bites of pleasure will inevitably help them indulge more in the long run (if they are okay with that; I have only had relationships where the other is trying to lose weight, and it's always important to help your person with their body goals). If the person is NOT trying to restrain themselves it's just as hot because you know that there are SO MANY of those ecstasy bites to come, and each one will help that soft skin become a little bit softer, that heaviness increase ever so slightly, that indulgence widen a bit more, and that connection between you two, feeder and feedee, become even deeper, their body's hold on both of your minds getting stronger with each bite and every molecule of fat. Oof, there is nothing like watching someone you're into expand, and if you can help them do so it is like nothing else in life. Hits you right in the chest, and those goosebumps mingle into something of a whole body experience.
5 years